
Dear Book Lovers, Welcome! I am delighted that you have found The Through the Looking Glass blog. For over twenty years I reviewed children's literature titles for my online journal, which came out six times a year. Every book review written for that publication can be found on the Through the Looking Glass website (the link is below). I am now moving in a different direction, though the columns that I write are still book-centric. Instead of writing reviews, I'm offering you columns on topics that have been inspired by wonderful books that I have read. I tell you about the books in question, and describe how they have have impacted me. This may sound peculiar to some of you, but the books that I tend to choose are ones that resonate with me on some level. Therefore, when I read the last page and close the covers, I am not quite the same person that I was when first I started reading the book. The shift in my perspective might be miniscule, but it is still there. The books I am looking are both about adult and children's titles. Some of the children's titles will appeal to adults, while others will not. Some of the adult titles will appeal to younger readers, particularly those who are eager to expand their horizons.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-seven

I am of the opinion that we live in a society that focuses too much on things and not enough on relationships and experiences. I know one person who goes on foreign trips just to acquire more stuff. He does not see that the trip itself is the real gift because of all the amazing things he sees and experiences he has.

In today's picture book you will meet a goose and bear who go on a treasure hunt. Only one of them really appreciates that the real treasure is right in front of their noses.

Suzanne Bloom
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Boyds Mills Press, 2007, 978-1-59078-457-0
   One day, Goose finds Bear writing on a piece of paper. There is a big X in the middle of the paper, and Goose quickly assumes that Bear must be “looking for treasure.” Exuberant Goose wants to hunt for treasure too, so she dashes off to get all the “gear” she thinks they will need.
   Soon Bear and Goose are whizzing along on Goose’s scooter, looking for the treasure. The dig for the treasure, and they dive for it, but they don’t find anything that even faintly looks like treasure. In a fit of pique, Goose rips the so-called treasure map in half. “We didn’t find any treasure at all,” she says, but Bear thinks otherwise. Bear knows that the two friends have found the best treasure of all.
   As they read this funny and sweet picture book, children will discover that treasures come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Sometimes there is a treasure right under our noses, and we don’t even realize it.
   With a minimal text, delightful characters, and a meaningful message, this picture book is a joy to share with young readers. Children and their grownups will laugh out loud when they see, at the end of the story, what the treasure map really is. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-six

We humans like to think that we can tame any animal that we encounter, that we can understand any animal's behavior. It is a risky attitude to have, because it makes us cocky.

In today's picture book you will meet three little pigs who think they know what they are doing when the capture a wolf and then use it in their circus show. They think they have the wolf all figure out but....

Wolf Won’t Bite!
Wolf Won't Bite!Emily Gravett
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Simon and Schuster, 2011, 978-1-4424-2763-1
The three pigs have caught an honest to goodness wild wolf, and they are eager to show off how well they have trained the wolf to do what it is told. They hang up posters announcing their forthcoming show, and use a loud hailer to tell everyone to “Roll up!” to see their “Wild Wolf!”
   The three pigs, with much fanfare, demonstrate how they can “stand him on a stool” and “dress him in a bow.” They can ride on his back and make him jump through hoops. They can even lift him off the ground and make him “dance a jig.” Whatever they do, the wolf never shows any inclination to bite them. They are perfectly safe with the large hairy creature. Or so they think.
   Children will laugh out loud as they look through this unique picture book. With its minimal text and delightfully expressive artwork, the story serves as a warning to anyone who thinks they can tame a wolf. It is never wise to push a wild animal too far. You never know what might happen!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-five

Saying no comes naturally to little children. In fact, many of them take great pride in saying "NO!" as often as possible. When they are older, children try to get away with saying no to adults, usually with limited success, but saying no to their peers can be a problem. There are times when they need to say no to a classmate or a friend, but the word simply won't come out. What if they hurt their friend's feelings? What if the classmate gets angry?

In today's picture book, you will meet a little girl who cannot say no to her friend, even when she wants to, and it is a very frustrating situation.

Noni Says NoNoni says No
Heather Hartt-Sussman
Illustrated by Genevieve Cote
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Tundra, 2011, 978-1-77049-233-2
   When Noni was a baby, and then a toddler, she had no problem saying no. In fact, she made a point of saying no as often as she could. Now that she is older, Noni can do all kinds of wonderful and marvelous things like tie her own shoes, feed her baby brother, and say the alphabet backwards. The one thing that Noni cannot do, is to say no. Even when she wants to say no, Noni ends up saying yes instead.
   Noni’s friend Susie has no problem saying no when she wants to. She says no when Noni asks to sleep over, and when Noni wants to play with Susie’s teddy bear. Poor Noni is never able to say no to Susie, even when Susie asks to cut off all of Noni’s hair “except for a tuft at the front.” Poor Noni always finds herself saying yes.
   Some people have a terrible time finding the courage to stand up for themselves. They don’t want to rock the boat or upset anyone, so they don’t speak their mind. All too often, this means that they end up doing things that they don’t want to do.
   In this book, Heather Hartt-Sussman speaks up for all those people who cannot say no, but who long for the courage to do so. Though this title is for younger children, its message is universal, and it will resonate with readers of all ages. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-four

My father was one of those people who thought that reading comics was bad for children. Perhaps he thought that if I read comics, I would not read other books. Well, he was wrong. I read comics on the sly, and read other books with great enthusiasm.

A few years ago, Toon Books started publishing some wonderful beginner reader titles that are in graphic novel (comic book) form. The stories are charming, and they are perfect for children who are just beginning to read books on their own. Today's book is one of these Toon Book titles. It won the 2010 Theodor Geisel (who most people know as Dr. Seuss) Award. This award is given "annually to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year."

Geoffrey Hayes
Graphic Novel
For ages 5 to 7
Toon Books, 2009, 978-0-9799238-9-0
   Benny has heard that there is a “new kid” living next door. He tries to get a glimpse of the kid through a hole in the fence, but he sees nothing. Then Benny notices that his pail is missing and he quickly jumps to the conclusion that the new neighbor is responsible. Even though he knows it is a “no-no” to go into the next door yard without an invitation, Benny does it anyway.
   Benny and Penny are investigating some suspicious looking footprints in the neighbors yard when they hear someone coming. They soon see that their new neighbor is a little girl mole who is wearing a bathing suit and flippers (hence the strange footprints.) Benny, Penny, and the little mole get into a mud pie fight, and then Benny finds his bucket. The girl mole stole it!
   Sometimes it is easy to get carried away and to do things that we later regret. In the heat of the moment we make assumptions that are incorrect, and we even hurt other people’s feelings. In this delightful graphic novel (or comic book) style title, Geoffrey Hayes explores how such misunderstandings can happen. In addition to telling a meaningful, and often gently amusing story, the author gives readers a tale that is perfectly suited to children who are just beginning to learn how to read on their own.
   This is one of a series of books about the adventures of Benny and Penny.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Poetry Friday - A review of Lemonade and other poems squeezed from a single word

I am always delighted when I encounter poets who are finding new ways to explore their craft. Bob Raczka is just such a person, and in today's poetry title you will see how he is able to create a poem using the letters that are found in just one word. Really. He does, and he does it so well too!

Bob Raczka
Illustrated by Nancy Doniger
For ages 8 to 12
Roaring Brook Press, 2011, 978-1-59643-541-4
   Our lives as so full of words that we tend to take them for granted. We read the word “moonlight” and never imagine that the letters in this word can be mixed up in many different words to create not just new words, but also poetry. For this very clever and creative collection of poems, Bob Raczka has selected twenty-two words, and for each one he jumbles up the letters to create a poem. He pulls meaning and images out of each word, telling a story, or creating a picture that is funny or meaningful.
   Some of the words, like “snowflakes,” “flowers,” and “spring,” conjure up images that are beautiful, While others, like “chocolate,” “television” and “bicycles,” are more mundane and everyday
   In “Moonlight,” the jumbled up words flutter down the page to tell us about a “hot night” where the “thin light” illuminates a “moth in motion.” The images are silvery and soft. By contrast, in “Earthworms,” the words seem to wiggle around, telling us about what happens when worms come out of the ground after a storm. The poem ends abruptly after we are told to “wear shoes.” It is hard not to smile as one reads these words.
   Young readers who explore how these unique poems work will be intrigued to see how one word can say so much if one is creative enough. They might even be tempted to try their own poems that are “squeezed from a single word.”

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-three

When you are a young child, it is hard not to feel rather small at times. You cannot see over counters, you cannot reach items that are on tall shelves, and you cannot open a car door by yourself. On the whole, the world is a place that is full of hugeness and huge things. It is easy to believe that you are too small to make a difference.

In today's picture book you will meet a character who is very small, but who discovers that being small does not preclude one from doing big things. 

Julia Donaldson
Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Penguin, 2003, 0-14-240580-9
   There once was a sea snail who lived on a rock near the sea. More than anything, the sea snail, who had “an itchy foot,” wanted to see the world. The other snails on the rock told the little sea snail to “Sit still! Stay put!” but the snail couldn’t bear to spend her entire life on that rock.
   Being a clever creature, the snail wrote a message on her rock asking someone to give her a ride “around the world,” and not long after, a whale came along who was happy to take the snail to “far-off lands.” Off went the whale, with the snail on his tail, and together they saw icebergs, tropical islands, huge waves, and underwater caves. Seeing such wonders made the snail feel very small.
   Then one day the whale accidentally got beached. If he didn’t get some help soon he would die, and the only living creature who knew of his plight was the snail. What could a tiny sea snail do to help a whale?
   With its wonderful rhyming text and its delightful story about an unusual friendship, this picture book will surely resonate with young children who think that they, like the snail, are too small to make a difference. Children who long to have grand adventures in distant lands will enjoy swimming in the world’s oceans with the whale who carries a snail on his tail. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-two

So many of the world's problems seem to arise because people are suspicious of other people who are not like them. They are taught or conditioned to distrust people who look different, who speak a different language, or who come from a different country.

In this picture book, the authors address this issue with humor and sensitivity. Children will see that being different is not a bad thing, and that the first step to understanding others is to be open minded and non-judgmental.

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah and Kelly DiPucchio
Illustrated by Tricia Tusa
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 8
Hyperion, 2010, 978-142312484-9
   Lily and Salma are the best of friends. At school, they draw together, play together, and eat lunch together. The girls are so much alike, except that they eat very different foods for lunch. Salma has a hummus and pita sandwich, and Lily has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Salma thinks Lily’s lunch looks “strange and gross,” and Lily thinks Salma’s lunch looks “weird and yucky,” but both girls keep their feelings to themselves.  
   Then one day Lily can no longer keep her opinion to herself, and she tells Salma what that she thinks Salma’s food looks “yucky.” Not surprisingly, Salma’s feelings are hurt and she gets angry, and she responds by saying that Lily’s food “looks gross, and it smells bad too!”
   That afternoon the girls avoid one another, and the next day they don’t have lunch together. Worse still, some of the kids in school are supporting Lily, while others are supporting Salma, and a state of war reigns in the lunchroom. Then, to Lily and Salma’s horror, a food fight breaks out. How did their silly disagreement create such an unfortunate situation?
   It is all too easy to negatively judge people who are different simply because they are different. With their wonderful story, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan and Kelly DiPucchio explore the idea that the first step towards tolerance and understanding is to have an open mind and to be willing try new things. All too often, people decide that something is “yucky” without even trying it. They decide that a person is “weird” because they look and sound different.
   One hopes that many children and their families will read this picture book, and take in the important message it contains. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty-one

One of the things that I like about living in my town is that I have a circle of friends who are there for me in good times and in bad. They celebrate with me when something good happens, and they help me out when I am struggling. These friends are truly priceless.

In today's picture book you will meet a wonderful person whose kindness and compassion earns him the love and friendship of all kinds of people, people who are there for him in good times and in bad. 

Lisa Shanahan
Illustrated by Wayne Harris
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Allen and Unwin, 2006, 1-74114-252-0
   Charlie is a wonderful postman who is loved by the people he visits every day because he takes the time to talk to them, helps them with their chores, and pat their dogs. He is “the most well loved and well licked postman” in town, and he loves his job.
   One day Charlie’s wife dies, and poor Charlie is so lonely and full of grief that he isn’t a cheerful postman anymore. All the people he has befriended are worried about him, and the people who have dogs are all sure that what Charlie needs is a dog of his own.
  Encouraged by his friends, Charlie goes to the pound and he gets a dog; a nice calm and quiet little dog called Lucy. All of Charlie’s friends love Lucy, and soon Charlie starts to feel alive again. Then Charlie puts on his postman’s uniform and he discovers something very upsetting. Lucy “hates postmen.”
   In this charming and heartwarming picture book, Lisa Shanahan explores the ways in which relationships can enrich our lives. We see how the Charlie’s kindness to others is appreciated and returned, and we see how the love a dog changes Charlie’s life for the better. This feel-good celebration of friendship is a delight to share with children.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and forty

There must be literally thousands of parents out there whose children have told them that they want a pet. How many hours of negotiation have taken place in homes around the world, as parents and children try to come to an understanding about what kind of pet they should get, and who will take care of it. The mind boggles just thinking about it. Or at least mine does.

In today's picture book you will meet a little girl who wants a pet, and her parents who don't want anything that will shed fur, dirty the house, or eat the child.

I Want a PetLauren Child
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Frances Lincoln, 1999, 978-1-84780-289-7
   A little girl wants a pet, so she asks her mother if she can have one. Though her mother doesn’t exactly say no, she does say that the pet will have to be something “with not too much fur.” Dad wouldn’t mind a pet who“lives outside.” The pet shop lady says that goldfish can be fun pets, but the little girl is not convinced. She would like something with a little more pizzazz.
   Like a lion perhaps. Though, of course, a lion might decide that the little girl would make a great snack. A sheep would be a nice pet, except that sheep are notorious “copy-cats.” The little girl suggests that perhaps a bat would be the pet for her. She and her bat could “dangle upside-down in the closet.” The little girl’s mother makes it clear that a bat in the closet would not work for her. In fact, she says that even suggesting such a thing could mean that there will be no chocolate éclairs. Imagine life without any chocolate éclairs! What is a little girl to do if none of her ideal pets pass muster with her family.
   Young children and their grownups will laugh out loud as they look through this clever and deliciously funny picture book. The ending is perfect, because we are left wondering, speculating, and knowing that what happens next is probably going to be the best surprise of all. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-nine

There are times when we have to do what is expected of us. We have to work, we have to pay our taxes, we have to go to the dentist. Then there are those time when we perhaps should do what is expected, but we don't because it just doesn't feel right. We are invited to go to a posh party, and instead of wearing a boring a black tuxedo we wear a purple suit with a red bow tie. Why not? 

In today's picture book you will meet a group of animals who decide that instead of saying what is expected, they are going to say what they want to say. So there!

Fiona Robinson
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Abrams, 2011, 978-0-8109-8976-4
   Professor Timberteeth, conductor extraordinaire, is presenting his new song “What animals like most” to the public for the first time. So, get comfortable, settle back in your seat, and prepare yourself for a great performance.
  The curtain opens and there are all the animal performers, carefully dressed in suits and elegant dresses. Professor Timberteeth raises his baton and soon the lions are singing about how they “like to prowl,” and the wolves are crooning about how they “like to howl.” All goes well until the cows decide that they like to “dig” instead of to moo.
   After a few moments of discussion, Professor Timberteeth is able to resume the song, and for a few more bars everything is at it should be. Until the warthogs sing that they like to “blow bubbles.” The poor conductor gets quite flustered because once again these words are not the ones that are supposed to be in the song. His performers are not singing what they are supposed to be singing, and his song is falling to pieces before our eyes. What is this poor professor going to do? Will he insist on performing his song his way, or will he let the animals tell us what they really like?
   Young readers will find it hard not to laugh as they read this clever and unique picture book. Who can resist a story that is hijacked by the characters, and that demonstrates to great effect that some animals (and people) simply cannot be forced to conform. Readers are sure to be delighted when they see how the professor gets several big surprises at the end of the performance. Encore, encore!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-eight

I don't know if any of you have seen what happens when an animal gets loose in a place where animals are not welcome. I once saw a cat get out of a carrier in an airport, and I was amazed to see how much chaos this one small animal managed to cause in a relatively short period of time.

In today's picture book, you will see what happens when a pet mouse pays an unwelcome visit to a very posh hotel.

Pip in the Grand Hotel
Pip in the grand Hotel
Johannes Hucke
Illustrated by Daniel Muller
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
NorthSouth, 2009, 978-0-7358-2225-2
   Mary has a new pet mouse who is called Pip, and she is eager to introduce him to her friends. Unfortunately, when she open the box that Pip lives in, the little gray mouse hops out and dashes towards the doors of the Grand Hotel. The doorman is convinced that Pip could not have got by him, but it soon becomes clear that he is wrong.
   In the main lobby of the hotel, the children see all kinds of people, many of whom clearly come from distant places. The hotel manager is appalled when Mary explains that she is looking for her pet mouse. As for as he is concerned having a mouse in his elegant and posh hotel is a “Disaster!” Then one of Mary’s friends sees Pip running along one of the steps in the lobby, and soon the children (and the hotel manager) are following him into the hotel kitchen.
   The kitchen is packed with people who are all busy doing something. Kitchen assistants are chopping and prepping food, chefs are tasting food, and through this scene of organized chaos runs Pip, the children, and the hotel manager.
   Children are going to love this large format picture book with its wonderfully detailed illustrations. They will enjoy trying to find Pip hiding in the art, and will appreciate how everything works out in the end, especially when they see how Mary and her friends get the better of the fussy hotel manager.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-seven

I like to think that I am a good listener, but there are times when I hear myself talking for too much and saying "I" far too much, which is when I endeavor to shut my mouth and do some listening instead. This picture book is about a bear who cannot find anyone who is willing to listen to what he has to say, and who feels very frustrated as a result.

I know that this book is out of print, but I so enjoyed reading it that I reviewed it anyway. You can still buy it on Amazon and in stores.

Heinz Janisch
Illustrated by Silke Leffler
Picture book
For ages 5 to 7
NorthSouth, 2009, 978-0-7358-2235-1
   One day a bear tells an inventor that he has a problem. Without waiting to hear what the problem is, the inventor announces that he knows exactly what the bear needs. Convinced that the bear’s problem is his great weight, the inventor gives the bear a pair of wings so that he can “feel lighter.”
  His problem still very much unsolved, the bear moves on. He meets a tailor who, just like the inventor, does not let the bear explain what his problem is. Instead, the tailor gives the bear a scarf, which the tailor is sure the bear needs.
   Every person the bear meets is convinced that he or she has the solution to the bear’s problem, and each one of these people fails to let the bear explain what his problem is. Soon the bear is loaded down with a hat, a pair of glasses, a jar of honey, a box of pills, a good luck charm, and a pair of boots. Since none of these items will solve the bear’s problem, he sets them aside, feeling very despondent. Is there no one who will listen to what he has to say?
   Many of have a tendency to talk too much and to listen too little. We think that we know all the answers, even when we don’t really know what the questions are. In this clever picture book, Heinz Janisch helps his readers to see that being a good listener is very important. Indeed, being a good listener can help you make new friends, and it can make you a better friend to the people you already know.  
   With wonderful collage illustrations and a story that conveys a meaningful message, this picture book will resonate with anyone who doesn’t have someone who will listen to them.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Poetry Friday - A review of A dazzling Display of Dogs

Until recently I had never encountered concrete or shape poems. No, these are not poems carved in cement. Instead they are "poems in which the typographical arrangement of words is as important in conveying the intended effect as the conventional elements of the poem, such as meaning of words, rhythm, rhyme and so on. It is sometimes referred to as visual poetry, a term that has evolved to have distinct meaning of its own, but which shares the distinction of being poetry in which the visual elements are as important as the text." 

What on earth does this all mean you are thinking. Well, concrete poems are poems where the words are placed on the page to create an image or picture. Thus, a poem about a tree might be arranged to have a tree shape, or a poem about a snake may have a snake shape. 

Today's poetry title is full of poems about dogs, and readers will not only enjoy the sounds and meanings of the words, but they will also enjoy the ways in which those words appear on the page. 

Betsy Franco
Illustrations by Michael Wertz
For ages 8 to 12
Tricycle Press, 2011, 978-1-58246-343-8
   Dogs provide love and companionship to millions of people around the world. They greet us when we come home, and somehow they know just what to do to cheer us up when we are feeling blue. In this unique book, Betsy Franco’s poems are paired with Michael Wertz’s artwork in such a way that the words and the art become one, and they give dog lovers of all ages a delightful canine-centric treat.
   As they turn the pages, readers will meet Baloo, a pompom-ish poodle who manages to get out of his yard and who gets into Ms. Johnstons’ house, were he eats all kinds of things, including a teddy bear, a cupcake, a steak, a taco, and some popcorn.
  Further on in the book, we get to meet Willy, a beagle who lives behind a fence that has a “Beware of Dog” sign on it. The funny thing is that Willy “rarely ever growls.” Instead, the “harmless beagle only yooooowls!”
   Jake is quite different because he barks at everyone. He may be small, but this jack russell terrier “hasn’t been frightened by any dog yet.” Fearlessly he barks at friend and foe alike because he is a “barking machine.”
   Then there is Gwen the bassett hound. Gwen is always going in and out the door, and her person faithfully opens and closes the door for her “again and again and again.”
   This book will charm people who have dogs in their lives. Many of the doggy traits mentioned in the book will be familiar, and readers will be reminded of all the charming, infuriating, and funny things that dogs do that make our lives richer.

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-six

There are some books that are a joy to read out loud because the language the author used is just so beautiful, and so perfectly put together. Today's picture book is just such a title, and I think that it would be wonderful to share it with a child just before bedtime.

Carolyn Curtis
Illustrated by Alison Jay
Picture Book
Ages 4 to 6
Barefoot Books, 2004, 1-84148-611-6
   One night a boy takes the moon for a walk. The boy, with the moon faithfully following him like a “summer kite,” has all sorts of little adventures. The moon, being perhaps a little unused to going for walks with little boys, almost ends up stuck to a church steeple. Later, the gently smiling and glowing moon carries the boy across the night sky, holding his hand, and letting his friend see the countryside from up above where the owls fly.
   Alison Jay’s richly detailed folkloric style paintings beautifully compliment the simple rhythmic and lyrical text in this book. In this gentle and evocative little story, we get to share a little boy’s dreams. We also get to see a night time world bathed in moonlight, and the many animals that come out at this time of day.
   At the back of the book, the author includes information about “The Mysterious Moon,” and facts about “The World at Night.”

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-five

When I first saw the title of this book, my first thought was, who on earth would write a book about a stick? I could not imagine that such a book could be interesting. Then I got intrigued, opened the book, and began to read. I don't want to give away too much here, but I do want you to know that this is a marvelous book, and it is one that grownups will appreciate too. 

John Lechner
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 8
Candlewick Press, 2009, 978-0-7636-3950-1
   There once was a stick who was very intelligent. He would “sit in the sand and think up all sorts of clever things.” He would make up poetry, and contemplate the beauty of nature. Though the stick could think about so much, there was one thing that he couldn’t do. The stick could not speak, and therefore he could not share his thoughts, ideas, and poems with anyone else. It was a very frustrating situation.
   One day the stick tried to say hello “to all the animals, insects, and flowers” by bowing, but he ended up tripping on a pebble instead. What made things even worse was that no even noticed that the stick had fallen over. Feeling utterly dejected, the stick “dragged himself all the way home,” which is when he discovered something that would change his life forever.
   One would not usually think of a stick as being an engaging children’s book character, but the stick in this story is not your average stick. With his wonderful expressive illustrations and minimal text, John Lechner tells a story that will resonate with anyone who has doubted him or herself. The stick shows us that we should never give up hope, and that all of us have greatness in us. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-four

Though we like to think that we know what we should or should not do, there are times when our good judgement fails us. We make poor choices, and as a result, we get into unfortunate situations.

In today's picture book, you will meet a pair of sheep who consistently make bad decisions, and you will also meet a sheep dog who is regularly forced to save them from themselves.

Chris Monroe
Picture Book
For ages
Lerner, 2010, 978-0-7613-5615-8
Rocky and Blossom are a pair of sheep who live in a mountain meadow along with one hundred and forty-seven other sheep and a sheep dog. The dog is called Murphy, and he knows all to well that Rocky and Blossom are a pair of troublemakers. Therefore, when the two sheep tell Murphy that they want to go to the high meadow on the mountain, he informs them that they need to stay where they are. Murphy knows that the mountain is a place that is full of dangers.
   Not surprisingly, considering their track record of making “bad decisions,” Rocky and Blossom do not listen to Murphy, and as soon as they get the opportunity, they sneak off. Murphy catches up with them and brings them home. Every time they sneak off, the dog finds them. Then, one day, the two naughty sheep finally manage to give Murphy the slip, and they find out for themselves that it really is not wise to ignore the advice of a sensible sheepdog.
   Many of us like to think that we know what is best for us, and we resent it when someone tells us that something that we really want to do is a bad idea. After all, what do they know?
   In this laugh-out-loud funny picture book, Chris Monroe uses his sheep characters to show to great effect what can happen when we don’t listen to words of caution. Children will love to see the predicaments the sheep get themselves into, and they will enjoy looking at the interesting formats used in the story that include frames and speech bubbles.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-three

I was lucky enough to grow up with a wonderful sheepdog called Balloo. Her mother was a working dog, so Balloo had very strong instincts to take care of baby animals, including me. When I was around two or three, my parents got a Siamese kitten, and they named him T.S. T.S. was not a strong kitten, and soon after he arrived Balloo adopted him. She washed him and he would sleep curled up against her side. Even when T.S. was a large middle aged cat, he would go to Balloo when he was upset or sick, and she would care for him.  T.S did not care that Balloo was a dog. As far as he was concerned she was his mother.

Seeing the love between the very large fluffy white dog and the skinny Siamese cat made me realize early on that love and family connections can cross all kinds of boundaries. Today's book is about another pair of animals that create a family, despite the fact that they are nothing alike. 

Adele Sansone
Illustrated by Anke Faust
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
NorthSouth, 2010, 978-0-7358-2292-4
   Mr. Goose lives on a farm with a collection of other animals, and he enjoys spending time with the chicks, reading them stories or taking them for a swim. The truth is that Mr. Goose would love to have a chick of his own. He would love to have a baby to care for “who would call him Daddy.”
   Mr. Goose asks the chickens if one of them would give him one of their eggs, and they make it clear that they are not interested in helping out a poor goose like him. Then Daisy the dog finds a very large egg, and she gives it to Mr. Goose, who faithfully sits on it to keep it warm.
   Then one day the eggs cracks and the most peculiar little chick hatches out. Instead of a beak and feathers, this chick has shiny scales and a long tail. It is a rather strange little goose, but Mr. Goose does not care. The baby calls him “Daddy” and Mr. Goose sets about caring for his offspring with love and tender care.
   Then one day the rooster tells the little green goose and he is not a goose at all, and that Mr. Goose cannot possibly be his daddy. The poor little green goose is distraught, and he sets off to find his real daddy.
   Families come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes parents and their children look nothing alike, but the love that connects them is a bond that cannot and should not be broken.
   In this charming picture book, Adele Sansone shows to great effect how love is what makes a family, not a blood tie, or even a species tie. Anke Faust’s delightful multimedia artwork perfectly compliments the heartwarming story. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-two

I have recently been shown, once again, how precious true friends are. They are there in good times and bad, and they help make those scary moments in life a little less scary. I know for a fact that I would climb mountains for these people if I needed to. In today's picture book, you will meet four lawn ornaments who find the courage to do something very frightening so that they can be reunited with the little girl who is their dearest friend. Having read this book, and I will never look at a lawn ornament the same way again. 

Lawn to LawnDan Yaccarino
Picture book
For ages 5 to 7
Random House, 2010, 978-0-375-85574-0
   Pearl is a little girl who is best friends with the lawn ornaments who live in the yard in front of her house. One day Pearl tells Betty the deer, Flo the flamingo, Norm the garden gnome, and Jack the jockey that she and her family are moving to a new house. Pearl is excited, but the garden ornaments are not so sure because they have “never left the lawn before,” but they love Pearl and want to be with her no matter what.
   On moving day, the car is loaded up and Pearl and her family drive away. Without the lawn ornaments. Betty, Flo, Jack, and Norm are appalled. What is going to happen to them? If they stay put, they might end up on the curb and everyone knows what happens if you are put on the curb. A garbage truck takes you away and you are never seen again.
   Determined to find Pearl, and to avoid garbage trucks, the lawn ornaments set off. They have a map to guide them, but they have a long way to go, and who knows what they are going to have to deal with on their journey.
   In this heartwarming book, Dan Yaccarino uses his very unique cast of characters to explore what it means to truly value friendship. The lawn ornaments are not ideally suited to travelling across long distances, but they don’t give up, and we cannot help admiring them for their courage and determination.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty-one

Most of us like to think that we are fair people. When we see someone living on the street we try not to assume the worst about that person. When we see someone who looks different in some way, we try not to place a label on them. We try, but we do not always succeed, and sometimes we make assumptions that we shouldn't make about the people around us. 

Today's picture book shows to great effect how dangerous it is to make assumptions on this kind. 

MeenaSine van Mol
Illustrated by Carianne Wijffels
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 8
Eerdmans, 2011, 978-0-8028-5394-3
   Meena is a large woman who lives on Fly Street, and the children who live on that street are terrified of her. They have decided that Meena is a witch who is dangerous, and when they see that a little girl is visiting Meena, they get into a panic. Meena has taken a prisoner!
   Wanting to do something for the little girl, Christa, Klaas, and Thomas write WITCH on the street, and they also draw an arrow that points to Meena’s house. Their hope is that once everyone knows what Meena is, the old lady will move away.
   One day the little girl who visits Meena reads the words on the street. Christa, Klaas, and Thomas talk to her and find out that her name is Anna. They are appalled when Anna explains that Meena is her grandmother. They are convinced that Meena has put a spell on Anna. Anna is equally appalled (and angry) when the three children refuse to believe that Meena is a not a witch.
   Even when we are being very careful, many of us judge people without knowing anything about them. Something about their appearance or behavior makes us decide that they are weird, creepy, dorky, geeky, or uncool.
   In this picture book, Sine van Mol and Carianne Wijffels address this issue head on, showing to great effect how hurtful and cruel snap judgments can be. Children will see for themselves that Christa, Klaas, and Thomas are persecuting Meena, even though they have never actually met her or talked to her. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and thirty

Most of us have had to deal with a visitor or a house guest who likes to boss everyone around. They criticize the food, table arrangements, or decor, and then proceed to do things "properly" their way. If the guest is a child, he or she rearranges all the stuffed animals, takes apart the Lego city, reorganizes the tree house, or insists on hosting the doll tea party. There is no stopping people like this because they just don't get it that their interference is unwanted. 

Today's picture book will resonate with everyone who has suffered at the hands of a bossy person like this.

Christa Kempter
Illustrated by Frauke Weldin
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
NorthSouth, 2010, 978-0-7358-2320-4
   Wally the rabbit is out in his garden counting the carrots, when his friend Mae brings him a letter. Wally is dismayed when he reads the letter and learns that his Uncle Rabbit is coming to visit that very day. He and Mae are going to have to hurry up if they hope to have the house neat and tidy in time.
   When Uncle Rabbit arrives, he quickly makes friends with Mae, who is delighted to have someone new around to talk to. He just as quickly sets about giving Wally’s house a makeover. He makes new curtains and cushions, moves furniture around, and puts a weather vane on the roof of Wally’s house. Mae thinks that Uncle Rabbit is delightful, but poor Wally feels left out, and he also resents the way in which Uncle Rabbit is changing everything without consulting him. What is poor Wally to do?
   As they read this story, children are going to fall in love with Wally and his large bear friend. Who can resist Mae with her sticky honey-covered paws, and her rabbit friend who just wants things to stay the same.
   With sensitivity and humor, Christa Kempter and Frauke Weldin take a look at what it feels like to be bossed around and ignored. Children will appreciate that Wally has been put in a difficult position, and they will surely sympathize with him. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-nine

When I was growing up, I was not allowed to read comics. Unless they were in Greek or French because they helped me "to develop my reading skills" in those languages. This does not mean that I didn't read comics. I did. I just had to do so on the sly. 

Thankfully there are now hundreds of fantastic comics/graphic novels being published that are not only beautifully drawn, but that are wonderfully written as well. These are books even my book snob of a father would have approved of!

For today's review I have the first title in a series of graphic novels that are about three very different individuals who share adventures. Though they don't always agree on things, when it matters, they help each other out. 

Scott Chantler
Graphic Novel
For ages 9 to 12
Kids Can Press, 2010, 978-1-55453-414-2
   When Dessa was just a little girl, a tall man with a dark beard came and visited the home that she shared with her mother and twin brother. Dessa and her twin were hiding under the floor, but when the man threatened their mother, Dessa’s brother told her to run and that he would “take care of it.” To this day Dessa has no idea what happened to her brother, but she does know that her mother died when their home was set on fire that night.
   Now Dessa is part of a travelling circus. She performs as an acrobat, and she is very good at what she does, but her life is hard and she does not particularly enjoy being browbeaten by her boss, Hugo.
   When the circus gets to Kingsbridge, Hugo is hopeful that they will make lots of money in the big town. While she is performing, Dessa sees someone who looks like the tall man with the beard who destroyed her family. Unable to contain her fury, Dessa accosts the man, only to find out that she has made a mistake.
   Hugo is furious with Dessa and her friends Fisk and Topper for wrecking the show, and he demands that they either find money or food. He never imagines that Topper is going to try to rob the Queen’s treasury, or that Dessa is actually going to meet the man who killed her mother and kidnapped her brother.
   This is the first book in what promises to be a thrilling graphic novel series. The tale is packed with colorful characters, and there are plenty of action scenes throughout the story. In addition, we are given clues in this first book about who Dessa’s enemy is, and we can look forward to following Dessa’s adventures as she pursues this enemy and tries to find her brother.

Poetry Friday - A review of Behind Museum Doors

When I was a child, I loved going to museums. On the island of Cyprus, where I grew up, the museum is arranged in such a way so that visitors can take a chronological journey through Cyprus' history. Then my parents took me to the British Museum in London, and I happily spent hours admiring mummies, dinosaurs and other wonders. I could not believe how huge the place was, and how much there was to see.

Today's poetry title looks at a few of the amazing things that children can experience when they go to a museum.

Behind the Museum Door: Poems to Celebrate the Wonders of MuseumsBehind the museum door: Poems to celebrate the wonders of museums
Edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins
Illustrated by Stacey Dressen McQueen
Poetry Picture book
For ages 7 to 10
Abrams, 2007, 978-0-8109-1204-5
   Museums are extraordinary places; they are places that allow us to travel into the past and to better understand what the world was like long ago. For children, museums are also places where they can learn so much without having to be in a classroom.
   For this wonderful poetry collection, Lee Bennett Hopkins has selected poems that explore museum related topics. In the first poem, we see a little girl looking up at a suit of armor. When she knocks on the armor, there is an “Echo of air” because it is empty, but the little girl cannot help felling that the echo is a voice from the past that is “drifting through / The lonely centuries.”
   Then there are the two children who are contemplating and having a chat with the bones of a brontosaurus. They wonder if the huge animal was ever “in a dither / When your head and distant tail / Went different ways.” They have so many questions, but they realize after a while that having a conversation with a collection of bones is “hard.”
   Another group of children discover that the tapestries on display in a museum give them a picture of the past. Carefully created by people who are long gone, the tapestries show “Tales of chivalry, cruelty, battles” and other scenes that connect the viewer with long ago human stories and experiences.
   This splendid collection serves as a fitting tribute to the museums whose displays delight the eye, challenge the mind, and tickle ones curiosity. On these pages poems written by Jane Yolen, J. Patrick Lewis, Marilyn Singer and others give young readers a delicious taste of what awaits them behind museum doors. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-eight

Today people all over America (and Americans in other parts of the world) will spend the day cooking, eating, and recovering for their overeating. For many of these people, the piece de resistance of the meal will be a roasted turkey. The turkeys that Americans eat during Thanksgiving are domesticated birds, but there are still many of their wild cousins roaming around. In fact, I saw a large troop of them just the other day, walking across the road so that they could visit one of the local parks. It seems appropriate somehow to share a book about turkeys with you on this special day.

Cathryn Falwell
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Dawn Publications, 2011, 978-1-58469-149-5
   It is spring, and Jenny is in the woods exploring when she sees strange prints in the mud and some feathers on the ground. She hears a “funny gobbling sound,” and when she peers around a tree, she sees a flock of turkeys looking for “seeds to eat.” Some days later, she sees the tom turkeys strutting around with their tail feathers fanned out, and the hens are scraping at the ground to make shallow nests.
   In the summer, the turkeys’ eggs hatch, and Jenny sees the hens leading their babies around. Then in the fall, the turkeys roost in trees to get away from the frozen, cold, and often slippery, ground. In winter, will the turkeys slide down the snowy hill as Jenny and her friends do?
   In this fact filled picture book, Cathryn Falwell shows children what wild turkeys are like, using a bouncy rhyming text to tell the story of turkey behavior from season to season. At the back of the book readers will find Jenny’s turkey journal. Here she provides readers with further information about wild turkey history, conservation, and biology. Jenny also suggests three activities that children can try that will help them to better appreciate the natural world around them. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-seven

I have often watched my cats and dogs going around the house checking out the sofa, the chair, inside the closet, in a drawer, in a basket. It is only when they finally settle down somewhere that it becomes apparent that they were looking for the right place to have a nap. Finding just the right place to snooze is very important, as you will discover when you read this lovely picture book. 

Rebekah Raye
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 8
Tilbury House, 2006, 978-0-88448-284-0
It is fall, and the little gray squirrel has been busy collecting nuts and seeds for the winter. He has been so busy that he hasn’t noticed that night is falling. It is getting cold and dark, and he needs to find a warm snug place to spend the night.
   The squirrel goes to a fallen tree that has a den under it, but the den is full. A big bear is sleeping in it. The little cave under a pile of rocks is also occupied. A fox is asleep inside the cave, and the squirrel does not to wake up a fox who might be feeling hungry.
   The squirrel decides to join the bats in a tall maple tree, but he soon realizes that sleeping upside-down gives him a headache. Clearly this is not the place for him. Nor is he suited for sleeping on floating “rafts of reeds and cattails” like the ducks. They look cozy enough being “rocked back and forth” by the waves, but the squirrel does not want to get his feet wet. Surely there must be someplace where a weary squirrel can spend the night “curled up under his fluffy tail.”
   With beautiful illustrations and a lyrical text that is touched with splashes of humor, this delightful picture book takes young readers on a journey around the countryside. Children will enjoy seeing the animals that the squirrel encounters, and they will like trying to guess where the squirrel is going to end up.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and twenty-six

Young dogs have one thing in common. They are bundles of energy, and very often that energy manifests itself in ways that are less than desirable. One of my dogs decided that chewing the heads off sprinklers was a nice way to pass the time. Another loved to dig up my newly planted flowers or shrubs. There is no doubt that these behaviors drove me crazy, but would I want to have a dog-free - and dog trouble free - life. NEVER!

Bob Graham
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Candlewick Press, 2007, 978-0-7636-3316-5
   Not long ago Katie and her family adopted two dogs from the Rescue Center. Rosy is very large, soft, and “endlessly patient.” Dave is still a pup, and he is full of energy and unfortunately he does not have any manners. He damages flower beds, steals cupcakes, and tears holes in tights. In short, he is rather out of control.
   Katie’s parents decide that they need to get some help, so they call a dog trainer, and the very next day the Brigadier from Pup Breakers arrives. In no time at all he has Dave doing exactly what he is told. Katie and her parents should be happy by the development. But they aren’t.
   Most dog owners soon realize that their dogs own them and not the other way around. Dogs, even when they are doing what we tell them to do, are the ones who have the upper hand. This delightful and heartwarming picture book explores the idea that there really is nothing wrong with being owned by a dog. In fact, it can be both wonderful and rewarding.
   This book is a sequel to “Let’s get a Pup!” Said Kate.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-five

This summer I made friends with a wonderful lady. I treasure our friendship, and we have a splendid time when we get together. The funny thing is that in many ways we are not alike, and no doubt some people  are surprised that we are friends at all. I cannot really explain it, but for some reason, our differences don't seem to matter, just like they don't for the two characters in today's picture book.

Rebecca Kai Dotlich
Illustrated by Aileen Leijten
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Simon and Schuster, 2009, 978-0-689-85616-7
   Bella lives in a neat little brick house at the base of tree, and every day she sits at her desk beneath a window and she writes poetry. Writing poetry is what she loves to do, and when her friend Bean turns up and starts to talk about her new hat, Bella is not amused. How can a mouse focus on creating poetry when someone is talking to her about hats? Bella makes it clear that she wants to be left alone to work on her poems.
   After Bean leaves to walk down to Spoon Pond, Bella come up with some wonderful words, and she writes a poem. She is not left in peace for long before Bean is once again standing outside her window. This time Bean shows Bella her toes. Bean says that someone has told her that she has the “cutest toes.” Bella is not interested in Beans toes, and Bean soon leaves.
   Bella is working on yet another poem, when Bean comes over and she is carrying “something big and green.” Bean invites Bella to come to Spoon Pond to help her plant her snow bush. Bella declines and she shuts her window. She has poems to write, and she has no time to talk about hats, admire toes, or plant snow bushes. Or maybe she does.
   When readers meet Bella and Bean they will think that these two very different mice cannot possibly be friends because they are so very unalike. The funny thing is that they would be wrong. With a delightful text that is sprinkled with poems, and cunning illustrations, the author and illustrator show readers how people (or mice) who are very different can still be friends. They can share the things they love to do and find a common ground that allows them to have a close and meaningful relationship.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-four

I have often wondered what my pets do when I am not at home. I imagine that they sleep for much of the time, and sometimes I come home to find clear indications that badness has been going on. A loaf of bread has been nibbled on, a glass has been knocked over, or some furry person has been chewing on the houseplants again. What else do they do that I do not know about though? I know more badness is going on behind my back, but I need evidence!

In today's picture book you will find out what happens when a family of humans leave their summer cottage empty for fall and winter. Their home, like mine, is taken over by furry people.

Karel Hayes
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Down East Books, 978-0-89272-750-6
   It is fall, and the summer visitors are getting ready to leave the cottage by the lake. They put the canoe away, cover the furniture with sheets, pack up their things, and drive away with their bikes on the roof of their car.
   As soon as they disappear over the crest of the hill, the bear family comes down to the cottage. They find the jar of honey that was left behind, take the sheets off the furniture, and they are warm and snug indoors when the first snow flies.
   Father bear takes one of his cubs ice fishing, and Mama bear and the other little cub stay home and bake a cake. Then many of the forest animals come over for a New Year’s party. Together they dance the night away, play games, and then they go to sleep.
   Readers who met the bear family in The Summer Visitors, will love this new story about a family of bears who enjoy the amenities that their human neighbors unknowingly provide. With only a few words in the whole book, this title will charm bear lovers of all ages, and it will make them wonder if the humans in the story ever really figure out what is going on behind their backs. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-three

A lot of people take trees for granted. They don't appreciate the many things that trees do for us humans, and for the planet as a whole. They certainly don't consider that trees are to be loved and treasured. In today's picture book, you will meet a little girl who loves one particular tree. It is not a grand redwood or a perfectly perfect nursery raised flowering pear tree. Instead, it is a wild tree, a tree many people consider to be a nuisance. 

A Tree for EmmyMary Ann Rodman
Illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 7
Peachtree Publishers, 2009, 978-1-56145-475-4
Emmy is a little girl who loves trees. She loves oaks, and pines, and willows, but most of all she likes the mimosa tree that grows in Gramma’s pasture. Gramma says that the mimosa is just like Emmy because it is “Stubborn and strong and a little bit wild.”
   Emmy does not have a mimosa tree growing in her yard at home, and when her birthday comes around, she tells her parents that she wants a mimosa tree of her very own to care for. Emmy’s mother and father don’t think that this is a strange request. Instead, they go to the garden stores to find a mimosa tree. Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to appreciate mimosa trees. They “grow wild” and therefore are not sold in stores.
   Emmy thinks that this is very unfair. Why don’t the stores sell mimosa trees? Even if they are wild, they are still beautiful. Emmy doesn’t want something else for her birthday, so she has to make do with spending time with Gramma’s tree. As she lies under the tree, trying to “keep in the tears,” Emmy makes an amazing discovery.
   Young readers are going to going enjoy spending time with Emmy, who is very determined to get exactly what she wants for her birthday. They will appreciate the fact that this little girl is not afraid to be different, and that she refuses to let go of her dream. With a charming message and lovely multimedia illustrations, this picture book is a tribute to all those people, young and old, who love all of nature’s gifts and who have the courage to be unique.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-two

For some people being cool is one of those things that becomes very important. They want to impress the people around them, sometimes they even want to intimidate them so that they can feel big and strong. In today's picture book you will meet just such a character, a monster who wants to appear tough and scary, but who learns that honesty and friendship are more important than having an imagine that is false and worthless. 

Lee Weatherly
Illustrated by Algy Craig Hall
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 7
Boxer Books, 2009, 978-1-906250-40-9
   There once was a monster who was determined that everyone should know that he was “the scariest monster in the world.” With his “wild and weird” fur, his giant club, his green teeth, and his ferocious manner, the monster really was scary, and he enjoyed frightening the animals in the forest.
   Then one day the monster developed a problem. He got the hiccups, and he could not get them to go away. He did everything he could, but nothing he tried got rid of the hiccups and so, feeling utterly miserable – and very hiccupy – he sat down on the ground and began to cry.
   Though the monster had scared them countless times, the animals in the forest felt sorry for him, and they did their best to help him. They suggested that he drink water while he was the “wrong side up,” and that he hold his breath for as long as possible. Unfortunately neither of these tricks worked. There was only one thing left to do. The animals were going to have to scare the monster’s hiccups away, but how do you scare a monster?
   In this delightful picture book, children will meet a monster whose loud voice and stomping feet cover up the fact that he is not really that bad a fellow. In fact, when he is not worrying about having an image, he is quite pleasant to be around. With its meaningful message about friendship, and its delightfully expressive illustrations, this is a picture book that children are sure to enjoy.

Poetry Friday - A review of Nest, Nook, and Cranny

Many children are fascinated by animals. They like to know what the biggest animal is, the smallest, the tallest, the fattest, the oldest. The are intrigued to find out about their lives and how they are adapted to their environments.

In today's poetry title, children can read about a wide variety of animals, each one of which has a unique home. The author uses many different poetry forms to take children to the desert, grasslands, and other habitats around the world, so that they can meet some of the animals that live in these places.

Nest, Nook, and CrannyNest, Nook, and Cranny
Susan Blackaby
Illustrated by Jamie Hogan
For ages 9 and up
Charlesbridge, 2010, 978-1-58089-350-3
Animals live in all kinds of habitats, and they build or use a wide variety of homes. Some of them dig burrows, built nests, or scrape out a place to rest under a rock or log. Others, like snails and tortoises, carry their homes, their refuges, with them wherever they go. In this special collection of poems, Susan Blackaby explores five habitats, looking at some of the animals that live in these environments. She tells us about their habits, and about the homes that they create for themselves.
   In the desert, we meet snakes who like to “nest in secluded places” where they will be safe from extremes of weather and predators. The places they chose to hide very much depends on what “sorts of snakes they are.”
   On grasslands, you might find hares who, unlike their rabbit relatives, have no interest in digging burrows and living in crowded and noisy warrens. Instead, hares live in “hare-sized bowls” in pairs or alone, where they can find some peace and quiet.
   In wetlands, ducks take great care to choose just the right “marshy place” where they can raise their ducklings. They need to be near water, but they also have to look out for snapping turtles who like to snack on ducklings given half a chance.
   In this unique book, the author uses a variety of poetry forms to explore the homes and habitats of animals. There are poems that rhyme, and those that are written in blank verse. There is even one poem that is punctuated by animal sounds.
  At the back of the book, the author provides her readers with further information about habitats, and she also tells us about the poetry forms she uses, and why she chose to use them as she did. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty-one

When my daughter was young, she was convinced that "nasty things" lived in her closet, and we had to make sure that the doors of her closet were shut tight before she would let us turn off her light at bedtime. Many children are persecuted by the monsters, bears, wolves, dragons and other creatures that inhabit the dark places in their homes, and it is hard to reassure them that these creatures are not out to get them.

In today's picture book Joanna Harrison tells the story of a little girl who has a problem with a bear, and we see how her fear changes over time into something altogether different. 

Joanna Harrison
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 7
Lerner, 2006, 0-87614-965-4
Most of the time, Katie is a happy girl who likes having tea parties, hanging upside down on the bars, playing dress up, and playing with her friends at school. Most of the time Katie does not think about the bear who lives under the stairs, but at night, when she is in bed, she finds it hard not think about him. Katie knows that the bear is there and that he is “just waiting to jump out and grab her.” Katie tells her parents about the bear, and her mother suggests that Katie should write to the bear and tell him to “go away.”
   Katie follows her mother’s advice, and to her amazement, the bear writes her a letter telling her that he has decided to go away, as per her request. Apparently, the bear needs a vacation. A few days later, Katie finds a package in front of the closet door. Inside the package is a snow globe. The bear has brought Katie a gift.
   Naturally, Katie sends the bear a thank you letter, but when she does not hear anything from the bear for several days she starts to worry. Is the bear ill? Is something terribly wrong with him?
   Many children are afraid of the bears, dragons, and monsters that inhabit closets, basements, and other dark and creepy places. When they are in bed, they are afraid to put their feet down on the floor in case something grabs them by the ankles.
   In this picture book, Joanna Harrison tackles this very delicate issue with sensitivity and gentle humor. Children will come to see that perhaps the creature they fear is not all that bad. Perhaps it is even lonely.
   Being able to see both sides of a story is a useful tool to have, and this book helps children to see that when they are afraid or unsure, they should try to look at their problem from a different angle. They may be surprised by what they see when they do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and twenty

People often like to talk about how they were not able to become a dancer, singer, or stand-up comedian because things simply did not work out in their favor. Often this is true, the pieces of the puzzle did not come together at the right time. Sometimes though, these people's dreams did not come true because they doubted themselves. They did not believe that they could pull it off, so they did not put all their resources into the effort. 

Today's picture book is about a little mouse who doubts herself, but who does not give up.

Helga Bansch
Picture book
For ages 5 to 7
NorthSouth, 2010, 978-0-7358-2322-8
   Mimi the Mouse wants to be a performer. She wants to sing, to dance, and to act on a stage. Unfortunately, Mimi does not think that she is “talented and beautiful” and everyone knows that performers have to talented and beautiful.
   Mimi goes and talks to Albert the Mole about her problem. He recommends that Mimi can learn how to sing and dance, so Mimi goes to dance lessons with Misha the Frog, and to singing lessons with Bubbles the Blackbird. Both of her teachers recommend that Mimi should not worry about any mistakes she makes. She should be herself and keep going.
   Next Mimi goes to see Calvin the Tailor and he makes Mimi a lovely dress that makes Mimi feel pretty. Calvin tells her that no matter what happens “you look like a star.”
   When Mimi learns that there is going to be an audition for the Mouse Ballet, she is ecstatic. Now at last she can show off what she has learned. This is “her big chance” to see her dream come true. Or is it?
   Many of us have dreams of becoming a great performer, scientist, or artist, but we doubt ourselves. We dare not believe that we can reach such heights.
   In this meaningful and heartwarming story, readers will meet a little mouse who has determination, and who is willing to work hard to make her dream come true. As they follow her story, readers will see that there is one more thing Mimi needs to have - confidence in herself and in her ability to follow through.
   With a meaningful message and a likeable main character, this is a book that offers support and encouragement to any child who has big dreams.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book three hundred and nineteen

I love reviewing books that encourage adults to talk to their children about the book that they are reading. Today's book has a philosophical bent, and it puts forward ideas that children will enjoy discussing with each other, and with their adults. The book gives readers a gift that extends beyond its pages, one that they can think about and enjoy as they go about their day.

Mary Lyn Ray
Illustrated by Marla Frazee
Picture Book
For ages 5 and up
Simon and Schuster, 2011, 978-1-4424-2249-0
   Seeing the first star in the sky is an indication that night is on its way. The one star is soon joined by other stars, and their presence makes the night feel less dark and frightening. It would be grand if you could collect a star or two, but as you know, this just isn’t possible.
   There are other stars that you can collect and treasure though. You can draw a star on some gold or silver paper, cut it out, and then put it in your pocket. It will be there whenever you need it, for example if you want to be a sheriff, or if you need a magic wand. If you have two stars, you can give one away, which could really help someone if they “don’t feel shiny” on that particular day.
  The good news is that if you ever lose your star, there are many stars in the world around you to comfort you. There are little green stars in moss, and strawberry flowers are star-shaped, as are the yellow flowers on pumpkin vines. Don’t forget that snowflakes are full of stars too. Look around and you will see these stars and many more, and don’t forget that every night, stars are there to delight you, even when you can’t see them.
   In this delightful book, Mary Lyn Ray’s lyrical text is beautifully paired with Marla Frazee’s memorable illustrations. Young readers will be tickled by the thought provoking ideas that flow off the pages, and they will enjoy thinking and talking about the stars in their lives. 
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