As I write this post my seventeen year old daughter is making a witch's broom to go with her Halloween costume. She is going to be Kiki, the character from the film, Kiki's Delivery Service. Halloween was not celebrated in the country that I grew up in, so I did not get to dress up when I was a child. After I moved to the U.S. when I was twenty-one I started participating in Halloween festivities and it has been so much fun.
Since Halloween is tomorrow, today I am offering you a festive picture book title to read. In the story two little birds have an adventure that is funny, with just a little touch of Halloween spookiness to keep young readers guessing and wondering.
Duck and Goose Honk! Quack! Boo!
Since Halloween is tomorrow, today I am offering you a festive picture book title to read. In the story two little birds have an adventure that is funny, with just a little touch of Halloween spookiness to keep young readers guessing and wondering.

Tad Hills
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Random House, 2017, 978-1-5247-0175-8
Tomorrow is Halloween and Duck is curious to know what
Goose is going “to be” on the festive day. Goose explains that he is going to
be himself as usual, which is when Duck explains that Halloween is the one day
when you should not be yourself.
Thistle then
appears on the scene and she tells her friends that her Halloween costume is a
secret. They will have to wait until the next day to see what she is going to
dress up as. As she leaves, Thistle tells Duck and Goose to “beware the swamp
monster,” a comment which puzzles them greatly. It also makes both Duck and
Goose feel decidedly worried. Neither of them likes monsters.
The next day
Duck, dressed up as a ghost, and Goose, dressed up as a super hero, go
trick-or-treating together in the forest. They both hope that they are not
going to see a swamp monster on this special night and are very relieved when
all they see are other young animals trick-or-treating.
All goes well
until the moment when an owl dressed up as a daisy says that a swamp monster is
looking for Duck and Goose. The friends are horrified. What are they going to
Children are
going to love this charming little Halloween tale, which features Tad Hills’
wonderful little bird characters.