Dear Book Lovers,
Welcome! I am delighted that you have found The Through the Looking Glass blog. For over twenty years I reviewed children's literature titles for my online journal, which came out six times a year. Every book review written for that publication can be found on the Through the Looking Glass website (the link is below).
I am now moving in a different direction, though the columns that I write are still book-centric. Instead of writing reviews, I'm offering you columns on topics that have been inspired by wonderful books that I have read. I tell you about the books in question, and describe how they have have impacted me. This may sound peculiar to some of you, but the books that I tend to choose are ones that resonate with me on some level. Therefore, when I read the last page and close the covers, I am not quite the same person that I was when first I started reading the book. The shift in my perspective might be miniscule, but it is still there.
The books I am looking are both about adult and children's titles. Some of the children's titles will appeal to adults, while others will not. Some of the adult titles will appeal to younger readers, particularly those who are eager to expand their horizons.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of That is my dream
Now that the year is coming to a close, many of us start to think about the year that has been and the year that is in the offing. Will the coming year be 'better' than the last one was? Today I offer you a poetry book that is all about hoping for what could be. Imagine what our world would be like if people could set aside their differences. Imagine the lives our children could lead.
That is my dream

Langston Hughes
Illustrated by Daniel Miyares
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Random House, 2017, 978-0-399-55017-1
One day a little African American boy sets off for town
on a bus with his mother and sister. They have to sit in the back of the bus,
because this is how it is in the segregated world that he lives in. In town he
watches as a white boy drinks from the “whites only” water fountain. He has to
drinks from the fountain that is labeled “colored only.” Then, as the day fades,
they greet the father of the family whose work day has come to an end. The
family have a picnic “Beneath a tall tree” as the “night comes on gently.”
As he watches
the dark seep across the sky, the little boy dares to dream of the world he
wished he lived in, a world where he and the little white boy he saw in town
could play together and ride on the backs of birds. Together, the little white
boy and his sister, and the little black boy and his sister, would celebrate as
the night appears, “coming tenderly.”
This is a
powerful interpretation of the poem Dream
Variation by Langston Hughes. The illustrator beautifully combines a gorgeously
illustrated pictorial narrative with the poet’s words, to give young readers a picture
book that is timeless. The book celebrates what could be, and dares to hope of
a time when all children can play in a world free of divisions.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Monday, December 25, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of The Call of Swamp
For many people, today is a day to spend with loved ones. It is a day to look around at the people we love best and give thanks for them. In today's picture book you will meet a charming little creature who is not really sure where he belongs and who he belongs to. He ends up taking a journey, and in the process he figures out something very important about what home is.
The Call of the Swamp

Davide Cali
Illustrated by Marco Soma
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Eerdmans, 2017, 978-0-8028-5486-5
Before they found him, Boris’ parents tried to have a
baby of their own, but doctors told them that they would not be able to have a
child. They had given up hope that they would be able to become parents, so
when they found Boris on the edge of the swamp they were delighted. They could
not care less that the baby had gills. They did not care where he came from
even. All that mattered was that he was now theirs.
Boris grew up to
be a perfectly normal boy except that he had gills, and eyes that were a little
bigger than usual. His life was happy, or so he thought.
Then one day
Boris picked up the scent of the swamp on the air. The aroma tugged at him and
questions rattled around in his head. Was he really living the life that he was
supposed to be living?
One morning
Boris left home and began to walk, pulled along by the smell that was haunting
him. Finally Boris came to the swamp, and at last he felt complete and at home.
In the swamp he belonged, and he fitted in with the other creatures who were
like him.
Boris was happy
for a while until he began to realize that he was not exactly like his neighbors
in the swamp. He began to feel homesick, and he wondered if he really was in the
right place after all. Should he go home or should he stay in the swamp?
This wonderful,
magical picture book explores the idea of what a home is. The unique artwork
offers a stunning backdrop for a text that is powerful and memorable.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of B is for Blue Planet: An Earth Science Alphabet
For me, the holiday season is a time to give thanks for all the wonderful things that I have in my life. One of these things is my home, my planet, which is such a beautiful, remarkable, and precious place. I have been lucky enough to see some incredible wild places in my life. I have seen the Himalayas, the Great Rift Valley, the Alps, and the Grand Canyon. I have seen a desert in Jordan, a rain forest in India, and a pristine coral reef in the Indian Ocean. What a diverse and rich planet we live on. In honor of our home, today's poetry book celebrates the Earth, the blue planet.
B is for Blue Planet: An Earth Science Alphabet

Ruth Strother
Illustrated by Bob Marstall
Poetry and Nonfiction Picture Book
For ages 6 to 10
Sleeping Bear Press, 2011, 978-1-58536-454-1
We live on a remarkable planet, a place where there are
oceans and mountains, where precious gems can be found underground, where
earthquakes shake the earth, and where glaciers creep down valleys. There are
wonders everywhere we look, if we look hard enough. It is a place that is
changing all the time, sometimes in small ways that we don’t even notice, and
sometimes in terrifying ways that turn our lives upside down.
In this
wonderful alphabet book we get to explore some of the features of our planet.
For each letter of the alphabet we explore a topic in verse and in prose, and
these sections of text are presented alongside a wonderful piece of art.
For the letter
C, for example, we visit a coral reef, a place where “Color, shape and size
astounds.” We look at an illustration that captures the diversity of life, and
the rich colors and textures, found on a coral reef. A poem tells us a little
about these marvelous ecosystems; a sidebar full of text gives us a lot more
information about these fragile, and precious places that “provide a rich
habitat for around 25 percent of all ocean life that we know of.”
For the letter H
we find out about hurricanes, those powerful storms that build over warm ocean
water and then, sometimes, come “straight for land – oh what a scare!” The
informational text that accompanies the poem tells us how big hurricanes are,
how they form, and what happens when hurricanes make landfall.
Other topics
that are explored in this book include “A is for Amber,” “D is for Deserts,” “O
is for Oil,” and “T is for Tides.”
This is the kind
of book that a child can grow with. Young readers will enjoy looking at the
pictures and having the poems read to them. An older reader will get a lot out
of the informational text that builds on what the poem tells us.
Alphabet books’
sole purpose used to be to help children learn their ABC’s. Now such titles
help children learn about so many topics that are relevant to their lives. By
combining artwork, nonfiction information, and poetry, the creators of this
book give children a singular reading experience.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Monday, December 18, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Santa Calls
In a week it will be Christmas Day. At this time next Monday we will be putting our meal in the oven, and then perhaps we will take the dogs for a walk to build up an appetite for the feast to come. It seems very fitting therefore that today's picture book should be a book about Father Christmas or Santa Claus. It is a wonderful story that I think truly captures the spirit of the season. Plus I cannot resist books by William Joyce. How I love his retro style art.
William Joyce
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Simon and Schuster, 2017, 978-1-4814-8959-1
It was just before Christmas Day when a most mysterious
looking box appeared outside the home belonging to Art Atchinson Aimesworth’s
aunt and uncle. Art and his little sister Esther had been orphaned, and they now
lived with their aunt and uncle on their farm in Abilene, Texas. Art and his
best friend Spaulding examined the box with great interest, and when they poked
it the words, “Open the box. Assemble the contents. Come NORTH. Yours, S.C.”
appeared on it.
Santa Claus
himself had summoned them! No one in their right mind would consider ignoring
an invitation from the great man, and so the boys set about assembling the
machine that they found inside the box. It was not long before the flying
machine that was going to carry them to the North Pole was ready – with one big
modification. At first Art was determined that Esther would not go on the trip,
but in the end he allowed her to join the adventure.
Soon enough the
children arrived at the North Pole, and they were welcomed by the captain of
the Santarian Guard, who came to collect them in a dogless sled. They did not
get far before they were attacked by an army of Dark Elves. The Queen tried to
kidnap the children but all three of them were very handy their sling shots and
snow balls, and Esther even managed to hit the Queen herself.
When they reached
Toyland, and what a wondrous place that was, they met Mrs. Claus and then Santa.
Art was eager to know why Santa had summoned them, but the wonderful man only
said, “Some mysteries are best left unsolved.” He then invited the children to
go on his famous Christmas Eve ride, which they were happy to do. Unfortunately,
they did not get far before the Dark Elves kidnapped Esther and carried her
William Joyce
has a gift for creating delightful stories that have a delicious retro feel.
Children will be thrilled when they see the rich worlds that cover the pages of
this book; worlds that take us back in time, and that also take us to the
fantastical place that Santa calls home. The purpose of Art’s visit to Toyland
is kept from us until the very last moment, when all is revealed. Then we can
smile, knowing that Santa always listens to the hopes of dreams of little
Friday, December 15, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of Daytime Nighttime: All through the Year
On our farm we get animal visitors all day and all night long. Owls live in our barn and soon after it gets dark they come out to look for food. Skunks also come out at night, and we have to be careful not to get too close to them when they are waddling around. During the day the scrub jays rule the roost, yelling at anyone who wanders into their territory. In today's beautiful poetry picture book we get to explore what are animals are doing during the day and at night. We also get to take a journey, month by month, through the year to see how the lives of animals are impacted by the changing seasons.
Daytime Nighttime: All through the Year

Diane Lang
Illustrated by Andrea Gabriel
Nonfiction Poetry Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Dawn Publications, 2017, 978-1-58469-607-0
When you have a very full life it is so easy to forget
that you are not the only one who is busy. There are little (and sometimes big)
creatures around you who have full days too. Many species of animals have busy
nights instead because they are nocturnal. While we are fast asleep in our
beds, they are out and about looking for food, taking care of their young, and
building their homes. All year long animals are active, day and night.
In this
beautiful book the author takes us through the year, month by month, and she
shows us what animals are up to. We begin in January and we see a bald eagle
“On a clear Winter’s day,” that is diving through the air down towards a
snow-covered landscape. The powerful bird is just about to scoop a fish out of a
river with its talons. In the evening a pack of coyotes make their way to the
top of a ridge, and there they raise their noses into the air to howl into the
By the time
March comes around the snow is gone, the trees have new leaves, and on a bright
morning we can see the “silken design” that a spider spun. When the sun sets, a
pair of skunks comes out to “Dig for plump worms” in the soft soil.
In July quail
parents, with their small, fluffy babies following them in a line, spend the
daylight hours “searching for grass seeds / On which they will dine.” When the
moon comes up the quail are resting, but the crickets climb up blades of grass
to sing by the light of the full moon.
Throughout this
singular book, beautiful lines of poetry are accompanied by gorgeous
illustrations. Together they take us into the lives of all kinds of creatures.
We marvel at the rich scenes that we are offered, and perhaps seeing these
moments in time will encourage us to look for similar ones in our own wild
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Monday, December 11, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of The Antlered Ship
Taking a leap into the unknown is scary, and yet people all over the world do it every day, and have been doing it for centuries. Explorers have set off to seek out new lands, and inventors have dared to put forward their ideas, not knowing how they would be received. Writers have written books about controversial subjects, and artists and musicians have pushed the boundaries of artistic expression.
In this beautiful picture book we meet a group of animals who embark on an adventure to visit a place they have never been to. They soon discover that adventures can be rather uncomfortable things, and they have to decide if adventuring really is a good fit for them after all
The Antlered Ship
In this beautiful picture book we meet a group of animals who embark on an adventure to visit a place they have never been to. They soon discover that adventures can be rather uncomfortable things, and they have to decide if adventuring really is a good fit for them after all

Dashka Slater
Illustrated by the Fan Brothers
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Simon and Schuster, 2017, 978-1-48145160-4
Marco lives in the Land of the Foxes, and his brain teems
with questions about the world. When he asks the other foxes his questions they
don’t know what to think of Marco. All they care about is their stew. What do
Marco’s questions have to do with that?
Marco decides to
head for the harbor to greet the antlered ship that has just arrived. Three
deer disembark and they freely admit that they need some help. It turns out
that they are not “very good sailors.”
Hoping to find
the answers to his questions, Marco volunteers to join the deers’ crew. A flock
of pigeons would also like to join as they want to have some adventures. The
Captain, Sylvia, explains that they are headed for a wonderful island.
The antlered
ship sets sail and it is not long before they encounter a storm. Everybody on
board is miserable and unhappy about the conditions. The deer begin to think
that they should have stayed in the woods, and the pigeons decide that they
should have stayed in the park. Marco comments on how foxes are not meant to be
vegetarians, and yet he still thinks that they should all do “the best we can.”
That evening he
cooks everyone a warming stew, and then they all consult the charts to figure
out how to get Sweet Tree Island, which is their destination. Finally, the
storm dissipates and they are able to raise the sails under a beautiful full
In the morning
they come to the Maze of Sharp Rocks. They could easily get wrecked on the rocky
shoal, but the pigeons fly ahead and find a clear path for the ship to follow.
The travelers are getting close to Sweet Tree Island when they are waylaid by a
pirate ship. Adventures seem to be waiting for them around every corner.
Young readers
are going to love this delightful and richly illustrated picture storybook.
They will appreciate the fact that adventures sometimes have uncomfortable and
even frightening moments, but that does not mean that one shouldn’t take them
in the first place.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of Miguel’s Brave Knight: Young Cervantes and his Dream of Don Quixote
I have been lucky enough to read and review a wide variety of children's books over the last fifteen years or so. During that time I have really enjoyed seeing how authors and illustrators take on new challenges, and present stories and information in fresh and creative ways. Poetry books in particular have come a long way, and I really look forward to seeing the new titles that come out. In today's poetry title the author uses a series of poems to tell us the story of Miguel Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote. The poems are beautifully written and are accompanied by lovely illustrations.
Miguel’s Brave Knight: Young Cervantes and his Dream of Don Quixote

Margarita Engle
Illustrated by Raul Colon
Historical Fiction Poetry Picture Book
For ages 7 to 10
Peachtree Publishers, 2017, 978-1-56145-856-1
Miguel’s father is a barber surgeon who has a nasty
gambling habit, and he is constantly having money problems. Eventually his
debts are so big that he is thrown into a debtor’s prison. Miguel’s poor mother
loses everything, including hope. She and her children have nothing, and they
have no idea where their next meal will come from. In his empty home, Miguel
takes refuge in his imagination, where a brave knight lives. The knight rides
out on his horse to “right / all the wrongs / of this confusing/ world.”
Mama finds work
and she manages to take care of her family until her husband is released from
prison. Then family then travels from place to place, and sometimes Miguel is
able to attend school. The teacher reads to the children and Miguel wishes that
he too could have a book to read, but books are few and far between, and only the
teachers “are allowed to hold the books.”
Knowing how
precious books are Miguel is horrified when he witnesses a book burning. The
books are being destroyed because they contain imagined stories. Miguel knows
that his knight, the one that is hidden away in is imagination, would “rescue
the flaming pages” if he were real.
Papa gets work
cutting hair and trimming beards, pulling teeth and treating wounds, but he
also continues to gamble and so the family has to move again and again to run
away from debt collectors. During the hard times, when they have to move, and
when the plague comes to the land, Miguel turns to his knight for comfort. The
knight rescues those in dire straits, and dashes to the rescue with his “chubby
friend riding beside him / on a clumsy donkey.”
Despite of his
father’s ways, Miguel manages to learn to read and write in one of the schools
he attends. The boy learns to write his own plays and poems, and when he is
older one of his teachers includes four of Miguel’s poems in a book that is
In this
beautifully illustrated book a series of image-rich poems tells the story of
Miguel Cervantes, and it is easy to see how the idea of Don Quixote might have
grown in Miguel’s imagination when he was a child. He needed to believe in
something good when his own life was so hard and so full of uncertainty.
At the back of
the book readers will further information about Miguel Cervantes and his famous
knight character.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Books of Hope - Adventures in Brambly Hedge
When times get hard, people often take a break from their lives so that they can rest and refresh. They go on a trip, go for a run or a hike, get out into nature, and spend time with the people that they love best. They knit or make music, work with wood or sew a quilt. Many of us dive into the pages of a book so that we can take a breather.
One of my favorite series of books that I turn to when I need a pick-me-up are the Brambly Hedge stories. The characters in these tales are mice and voles, and they live in a beautiful countryside world working, playing, and celebrating together. When you enter the world of Brambly Hedge you are immediately wrapped in a cozy blanket of friendship and good cheer. Here problems are solved through hard work, creativity, and cooperation. Life is simple and rich. When your visit is over you will return to the 'real' world warmed through, hopeful, and ready to face what comes next.
In the last few years two collections of these little books have been republished. One box set contains four adventure story picture books, and the other contains four seasonal story picture books. I am lucky enough to have one of these sets and today I bring you a review of one of the stories in the collection. All four of the stories in the set are a joy to read and share.
One of my favorite series of books that I turn to when I need a pick-me-up are the Brambly Hedge stories. The characters in these tales are mice and voles, and they live in a beautiful countryside world working, playing, and celebrating together. When you enter the world of Brambly Hedge you are immediately wrapped in a cozy blanket of friendship and good cheer. Here problems are solved through hard work, creativity, and cooperation. Life is simple and rich. When your visit is over you will return to the 'real' world warmed through, hopeful, and ready to face what comes next.

Jill Barklem
Picture Book
Ages 5 and up
HarperCollins, 2014, 978-0-00-746145-5
In just a few short hours the Midwinter
celebration is going to take place. All the Brambley Hedge mice are busy
preparing for this big event. In the Old Oak Palace, Primrose and her friend
Wilfred are trying to find a quiet place where they can practice the recitation
that they are going to give in the evening. They also need to find something to
wear for their performance; something special.
Luckily Primrose’s mother is very
knowledgeable and she advises the little mice to go up into the attics. There
they will be able to practice in peace, and it is very likely that they will
find some good costumes to wear as well.
While they are exploring the attics,
Primrose and Wilfred discover a hidden door, and behind it there is a long
winding staircase. At the top of the staircase the mice children find the most
beautiful and elaborate room. In fact, there are a whole set of rooms up there that
are packed with fascinating things to look at. Wilfred and Primrose have their
very own secret house to play in and to explore.
Young readers will be hard put not to feel
very envious of the young mice friends in
this Brambly Hedge tale; what a delightful adventure they have. With a wonderful
story and beautiful illustrations that are packed with cunning little details,
this is a book that young readers and their families will treasure.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Letters to a Prisoner
We like to think that we live in a world where people can speak out and say what is on their mind whenever they want to. Sometimes, and in some places, this is the case. However, in many countries around the world, too many of them in fact, people are either imprisoned or permanently silenced when they express opinions that governments, regimes, or dictators do not agree with.
Today I bring you a book that is a tribute to the people who dare to speak out against the powers that be. These are people who risk losing their freedom or their lives when they express their opinions. The story is also a tribute to the people and organizations who support the prisoners, who write to them, and who refuse to forget them.
Letters to a prisoner
Today I bring you a book that is a tribute to the people who dare to speak out against the powers that be. These are people who risk losing their freedom or their lives when they express their opinions. The story is also a tribute to the people and organizations who support the prisoners, who write to them, and who refuse to forget them.

Jacques Goldstyn
Wordless Picture Book
For ages 5 and up
Owlkids, 2017, 978-1-77147-251-7
One day a father and his little girl attend a peaceful
demonstration. Or at least that is what it is supposed to be. The protestors
are peaceful, but the soldiers who confront them are not. They attack and the
father is struck on the head and thrown into a van that drives away. His poor
little daughter witnesses the whole horrific event.
The father is
cast into a prison and there he languishes day after day. He feeds a bird who
comes to his window, and a mouse who visits his cell. He draws a picture of himself
and his daughter on the wall and remembers the good times.
Then the bird he
fed brings him a letter, a letter which makes him weep. Unfortunately, the
guard sees the father reading the letter and he takes it away. He takes away
all the other letters that the bird delivers. The guard burns the letters,
sending smoke and fragments of paper up into the air. Perhaps he imagines that
he has won this battle. But he has not.
extraordinary book was inspired by Amnesty International’s Writes for Rights letter-writing
campaign. The human rights organization encouraged people from around the world
to write to people who had “been unjustly imprisoned for his or her ideas.” The
author wrote to prisoners, and being a part of such a meaningful effort made
him want to tell a story; this story.
Children who
follow the story in this book will see how many voices can indeed bring about
change. They will come to appreciate that everyone, anyone, can make the world
a better place if they try.
Thank you

Dear Friends:
I apologize for being silent for so long. I have a chronic illness which, for some reason that I do not understand, has been creating havoc with my health for a while now. The last few weeks have been particularly trying. I coped very well for years, but now the careful balance of work and rest that I have developed for myself no longer seems to be working. Hopefully I will figure out what the new balance is soon and I will be able to bring you posts of reviews consistently and on time. Thank you all for your patience and for your friendship.
With all my love,
Monday, November 6, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of The Book Of Gold
On Friday I brought you a poetry book that celebrates books and the written word. Today we have a picture book that also focuses on how marvelous and special books are. Bob Staake tells the story of a boy who, when we first meet him, hates books. In fact, this boy does not like much of anything. He has no interest in the world, and no curiosity. Then someone tells him about a very special book, and something rather magical starts to happen.
The Book of Gold

Bob Staake
Picture Book
For ages 5 and up
Random House, 2017, 978-0-553-51077-5
Isaac’s parents love books. They love the way books smell
and how books feel when they are in their hands, and they love all the
fascinating information that books contained. Books are so full of
Isaac does not care for books at all. In fact, he is not much interested in
anything and it would not be unfair to say that he is a rather dull child.
One day Isaac’s
parents take him to visit the New York Public Library. The idea of going into a
building full of books thrills them, but Isaac does not feel the same way at
all. He has no interest in books and so it isn’t long before the family heads
for home. On the way they stop to look in a shop that contains all kinds of curios.
Isaac’s parents are hoping that they will find something that will make a
suitable birthday gift for Aunt Sadie. Isaac sits on the cold floor to wait.
Nothing in the fascinating store attracts his almost non-existent curiosity.
The shopkeeper
tries to find something that will interest Isaac and when she fails she tells
Isaac about a book called the Book of Gold. She explains that the book contains
“all the answers to every question ever asked, and when it is opened, it turns
to solid gold.”
The idea of
having a book made of gold really appeals to Isaac and he decides to look for
it. He goes to a bookstore. He picks up a book left in a diner. He picks up a
book that a woman drops, and finds another that is left on a trolley seat. None
of the books he finds turn to gold when it opens them.
For months Isaac
searches and searches. Then, one day, as he is looking at a book that is called
The Seven Wonders of the World, a
question pops into his head. It is the first of many questions that come to him
as he opens books looking for the Book of Gold. Without even meaning to Isaac
begins to discover that books bring forth questions, and they also answer them.
This marvelous
book shows readers that books are more than paper and board covers. They excite
our curiosity in the world, open up our horizons, and they can even lead us on
a voyage of discovery that can last a lifetime. This is a book that will
delight adults and children alike. It is a magical tale that is timeless and
Friday, November 3, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of Read! Read! Read!
Here in southern Oregon it is a grey, wet day and I love it. We had a long Indian summer in October and I was feeling thoroughly sick and tired of warm, sunshiny days. Though sunny days can get wearisome, I never, ever get tired of reading books; it is always always a wonderful thing to do. Today I bring you a poetry book that celebrates the written word. It is a delightful title that will appeal to anyone who has a love for reading.
Read! Read! Read!

Amy Ludwig VanDerwater
Illustrated by Ryan O’Rourke
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Wordsong, 2017, 978-1-59078-975-9
Reading is something we do all the time and yet we often
forget what a gift words are. When words are strung together to give us a story,
they “sing / into your soul / like soothing / summer rain.”
Many children
are eager to learn how to read for themselves and they “pretend” to read at
first. They don’t realize that by tracing the letters with their fingers in
their pretend reading, they are actually starting the process of learning. Then
comes that wonderful day when reading is no longer something that other
children do. Finally they too can claim the words that not so long ago were
Though books are
quite the best vehicle for words, they are also wonderful when they appear on
cereal boxes, on the sports page, on maps, on road signs, cards, magazines, and
other places. In a birthday card one child finds a poem penned by his
grandfather; it is a poem that captures, in just a few words, how loved the
child is. The child treasures the card and puts it, as always, in a box where
“fall leaves / letters / and love” are kept.
Books of course
are the crème de la crème of written materials. They can turn us into explorers,
and take us to marvelous places where we witness extraordinary things. They can
teach us things, and perhaps best of all they help us to have “an open heart /
an open mind;” after all, an “open book / will make you kind” if you are
willing to allow its words to work their magic.
This wonderful
poetry title beautifully captures the joys that reading can bring us in our
everyday lives. Through the eyes of the child characters that we see on the
pages, we are reminded of the fact that books and other written materials
really do enrich our lives.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Monday, October 30, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Duck and Goose Honk! Quack! Boo!
As I write this post my seventeen year old daughter is making a witch's broom to go with her Halloween costume. She is going to be Kiki, the character from the film, Kiki's Delivery Service. Halloween was not celebrated in the country that I grew up in, so I did not get to dress up when I was a child. After I moved to the U.S. when I was twenty-one I started participating in Halloween festivities and it has been so much fun.
Since Halloween is tomorrow, today I am offering you a festive picture book title to read. In the story two little birds have an adventure that is funny, with just a little touch of Halloween spookiness to keep young readers guessing and wondering.
Duck and Goose Honk! Quack! Boo!
Since Halloween is tomorrow, today I am offering you a festive picture book title to read. In the story two little birds have an adventure that is funny, with just a little touch of Halloween spookiness to keep young readers guessing and wondering.

Tad Hills
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Random House, 2017, 978-1-5247-0175-8
Tomorrow is Halloween and Duck is curious to know what
Goose is going “to be” on the festive day. Goose explains that he is going to
be himself as usual, which is when Duck explains that Halloween is the one day
when you should not be yourself.
Thistle then
appears on the scene and she tells her friends that her Halloween costume is a
secret. They will have to wait until the next day to see what she is going to
dress up as. As she leaves, Thistle tells Duck and Goose to “beware the swamp
monster,” a comment which puzzles them greatly. It also makes both Duck and
Goose feel decidedly worried. Neither of them likes monsters.
The next day
Duck, dressed up as a ghost, and Goose, dressed up as a super hero, go
trick-or-treating together in the forest. They both hope that they are not
going to see a swamp monster on this special night and are very relieved when
all they see are other young animals trick-or-treating.
All goes well
until the moment when an owl dressed up as a daisy says that a swamp monster is
looking for Duck and Goose. The friends are horrified. What are they going to
Children are
going to love this charming little Halloween tale, which features Tad Hills’
wonderful little bird characters.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of A is for Abraham: A Jewish Family Alphabet
Soon after I started reviewing children's books, I encountered an alphabet book that was created by a small publishing house in Michigan. The book was unique in that in it poetry, artwork, and sections of nonfiction text were brought together and presented in an alphabet book format. When the publishing house, Sleeping Bear Press, brought out more alphabet books using the same format I was delighted. What a wonderful way to engage young readers. Today I bring you one of these alphabet book titles. Readers can read the poems first, and then they can go back to the beginning of the book and read the nonfiction text.
A is for Abraham: A Jewish Family Alphabet
Richard Michelson
Illustrator: Ron Mazellan
Nonfiction and Poetry Picture Book Series
For ages 6 to 12
Sleeping Bear Press, 2013, 978-1585363223
Trying to understand the rules, traditions, and history of a faith is never easy, even if you are of that faith. For people outside the faith, the stories and customs can be confusing, and the nuances of meaning can be lost. In this splendid picture book, Richard Michelson explores the Jewish faith in a new way. Using the format of an alphabet book the author tells his readers about some of the things that make the Jewish faith unique and interesting.
For every letter of the alphabet Richard Michelson focuses on some aspect of Jewish life. For the letter B he tells us about Bar and Bat Mitvahs, the coming of age ceremonies that signify that a young person is no longer a child. For the letter C he tells us about challah, a special bread that Jews eat on the Jewish Sabbath. This braided bread is a just one of the many special foods that Jews make.
This book can be enjoyed on several levels because each topic includes a poem, an illustration, and then a longer section of text. Young children can look at the pictures, and they can either have the poems read to them, or they can read them themselves. Older children will enjoy reading the more involved sidebar text. It is here that they will find out further details about Jewish religious practices, history, and customs.
This is just one in a splendid collection of alphabet book published by Sleeping Bear Press. Other topics covered include cats, poetry, and music.

Richard Michelson
Illustrator: Ron Mazellan
Nonfiction and Poetry Picture Book Series
For ages 6 to 12
Sleeping Bear Press, 2013, 978-1585363223
Trying to understand the rules, traditions, and history of a faith is never easy, even if you are of that faith. For people outside the faith, the stories and customs can be confusing, and the nuances of meaning can be lost. In this splendid picture book, Richard Michelson explores the Jewish faith in a new way. Using the format of an alphabet book the author tells his readers about some of the things that make the Jewish faith unique and interesting.
For every letter of the alphabet Richard Michelson focuses on some aspect of Jewish life. For the letter B he tells us about Bar and Bat Mitvahs, the coming of age ceremonies that signify that a young person is no longer a child. For the letter C he tells us about challah, a special bread that Jews eat on the Jewish Sabbath. This braided bread is a just one of the many special foods that Jews make.
This book can be enjoyed on several levels because each topic includes a poem, an illustration, and then a longer section of text. Young children can look at the pictures, and they can either have the poems read to them, or they can read them themselves. Older children will enjoy reading the more involved sidebar text. It is here that they will find out further details about Jewish religious practices, history, and customs.
This is just one in a splendid collection of alphabet book published by Sleeping Bear Press. Other topics covered include cats, poetry, and music.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Books of Hope - Ruby's Imagine
When I first started reading today's book, I was sure that it was going to be depressing. A story about a young person who is cared for by an unkind family member, and who has to live through a hurricane does not promise to be cheerful. I did not take me long to realize that the main character of the story, Ruby, is not the kind of person who allows life's hardships to put her down. As I read, Ruby's attitude, her voice, and her magic made me feel empowered and hopeful. This was an amazing, amazing book and everyone, teens and adults alike, should read it.
For ages 13 and up
Createspace, 2012, 978-1478238379
When Ruby is only five years old her parents are killed
in a car crash and she goes to live with Mamaloose, her maternal grandmother.
Mamaloose is a cold and angry woman, and when Ruby does or says things that she
does not like, Mamaloose beats the child with a leather belt. At first Ruby
does not know what will set Mamaloose off. She talks about remembering her
parents. She speaks of a house in the swamp where she lived with Daddy and Momma
and her two sisters, Opal and Pearl. Mamaloose says that these are just “Ruby’s
imagine,” and that they are not true memories.
After a while
Ruby learns to keep silent about these images that she is sure are from her
past. It is better that way. She also learns to kept silent about the connections
that she has with the creatures and plants around her. On some deep level Ruby
can communicate with butterflies and trees, hummingbirds and other life forms. The
only person who really knows about her gift is her friend JayEl.
The amazing
thing about Ruby is that she has managed to resist Mamaloose’ efforts to turn
her, Ruby, into another angry and cruel person. Ruby isn’t even angry with
Mamaloose. Instead, she feels sorry for her, and steadfastly refuses to take on
the old man’s unhappiness. Instead, she is a warm and loving person who is
close to her neighbors and the people she works with at the bakery. Soon Ruby
will be going to college and then she will be free of Mamaloose for good.
One day a
butterfly conveys a message to Ruby, one that the Big Oaks shared with the
insect. Apparently a Big Spin is on its way and it will soon be time to hunker
down if you are foolish, or to get out of its way if you are sensible. Ruby
shares this message – in an oblique way not mentioning where it came from –
with Mamaloose. The old woman isn’t worried. She has survived countless storms
and hurricanes. Ruby also tells JayEl about the butterfly’s message. JayEl asks
Ruby if she thinks that this is going to be “the one,” the storm that will
“bury us in water.” Ruby says that she gets the sense that this hurricane is
going to rip off “the veil” that lies over the city.
It isn’t long before it becomes clear that
the coming hurricane is indeed going to be a big one. People start boarding up
their homes and businesses, and on the radio the mayor says that “we strongly
advise people to leave at this time.” Some people do pack up and leave, but
others decide to stay. Many of the folks in Ruby’s neighborhood, including
Mamaloose, have no place to go and very little money to spare. They certainly
cannot pay for motel rooms. Ruby tries very hard to convince Mamaloose that
they need to get to higher ground because where they live is below sea level,
but the old lady pays her no heed.
In the end Ruby
and Mamaloose stay put. When they go to bed it is raining and windy. When Ruby
wakes up she goes to check on her grandmother downstairs only to find out that
water has come into the house and it is rising. Ruby and Mamaloose take refuge
upstairs and then they go up into the attic. Part of the roof is ripped away,
and as they huddle together in a corner, not knowing if the next gust of wind
is going to cause the house to collapse, Mamaloose finally tells Ruby the true story
of her family. To say that Ruby is shocked is an understatement. She has always
known that Mamaloose was a hard person, but it turns out that she did things
that were, in Ruby’s eyes, downright cruel.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Out of the Blue
Many of us, when we see someone in trouble, tell ourselves that is not our problem, not our business. We don't want to be inconvenienced; we don't want to have to deal with drama or difficulties that are not our own. This is a very unfortunate state of affairs, to say the least. If we were the one struggling, would we want everyone to turn their heads as they walk by us so that we are left to cope alone? No, probably not.
In this wonderful wordless book we see how the actions of a few good people saves an animal that is in dire need of assistance. We also discover how rich and powerful stories can be when the narrative is presented to the reader through art alone.
Out of the Blue
In this wonderful wordless book we see how the actions of a few good people saves an animal that is in dire need of assistance. We also discover how rich and powerful stories can be when the narrative is presented to the reader through art alone.
Out of the Blue
Wordless picture book
For ages 4 to 7
Barefoot books, 2014, 978-1-78285-042-7
On the coast right next to a sandy shore there is an
island, and on that island there is a lighthouse. A little boy lives in the
lighthouse with his father, a dog, and a cat.
One beautiful
sunny morning the little boy heads out carrying his bucket and spade and soon
he is on the beach. He finds a pretty shell and a little girl comes to look at
his find. Then the two children go off together. They find a fish in a tide
pool, and using the little girl’s net they catch the fish, carry over to the
sea, and let it go. By this time the wind has picked up and so the children,
along with everyone else on the beach and in the sea, head for home. A storm is
on the way.
That night the rain
pours down, lightening forks across the sky, waves crash against the island,
and the little boy and his father are safe and warm in their cozy lighthouse.
In the morning
they find a very large surprise waiting for them outside. The storm has beached
an enormous squid on the sand. The poor creature is all trussed up with a
fishing net and it is still very much alive. The boy and his friends have to do
something to help the poor creature.
This delightful
wordless picture book has a main story that is engaging, and it explores the
idea that we all need to do our part to help others. In addition, there are
several little stories in the artwork to follow, many of which are amusing.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Books of Hope - The Friend Ship
Everyone has days when they feel blue and despondent. Things are not going well for some reason or another, and the future looks far from rosy. At times like these our friends are often the ones who support us. They remind us that bad times don't last forever. and encourage us to hold onto hope and to keep on going. Today's Book of Hope perfectly captures the way in which hope can be kept alive when one has friends by ones side.
The Friend Ship
Kay Yeh
Illustrator: Chuck Groenink
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Disney-Hyperion, 2016, 978-1484707265
One day Hedgehog is lying curled up in a ball in “the lonely little nook of a lonely little tree” when she hears two animals taking about her. One animal tells the other that Hedgehog seems lonely, and then the other animal says that things will be better when Hedgehog finds friendship. All she has to do is to go and look for it.
Hedgehog is inspired by this overheard conversation. The “Friend Ship” is out there waiting for her and now she has to find it. Hedgehog quickly gets to work and builds a boat. A beaver comes a long and asks her what she is doing. Hedgehog explains that she will soon be setting off to find The Friend Ship. The beaver, who wants a friend, asks if he can join Hedgehog in her quest, and she happily agrees.
The two travelers don’t travel far in their boat when they come across four deer. Hedgehog asks the deer if they have seen The Friend Ship. The deer like the idea of being on such a vessel; they would like to have friends too, and so they ask if they can join Hedgehog and the beaver, who are happy to welcome the deer on board.
Hedgehog and her companions sail north and south. The head east as well, and every time they ask someone if they have seen The Friend Ship the answer is no. Every time Hedgehog is asked if an animal can join her quest she (and everyone else) always says yes.
After a few days of searching and asking, Hedgehog begins to lose hope, but the animals on the ship with her don’t let her give up. They support and comfort her, telling her that they will “stick with you till the end.”
This wonderful picture book shows readers, in a sweet and gentle way, how sometimes the one thing that we want the most in life can sometimes be found right under our noses. In company with Hedgehog and her fellow travelers, we go on a wonderful voyage of discovery and hope.

Kay Yeh
Illustrator: Chuck Groenink
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Disney-Hyperion, 2016, 978-1484707265
One day Hedgehog is lying curled up in a ball in “the lonely little nook of a lonely little tree” when she hears two animals taking about her. One animal tells the other that Hedgehog seems lonely, and then the other animal says that things will be better when Hedgehog finds friendship. All she has to do is to go and look for it.
Hedgehog is inspired by this overheard conversation. The “Friend Ship” is out there waiting for her and now she has to find it. Hedgehog quickly gets to work and builds a boat. A beaver comes a long and asks her what she is doing. Hedgehog explains that she will soon be setting off to find The Friend Ship. The beaver, who wants a friend, asks if he can join Hedgehog in her quest, and she happily agrees.
The two travelers don’t travel far in their boat when they come across four deer. Hedgehog asks the deer if they have seen The Friend Ship. The deer like the idea of being on such a vessel; they would like to have friends too, and so they ask if they can join Hedgehog and the beaver, who are happy to welcome the deer on board.
Hedgehog and her companions sail north and south. The head east as well, and every time they ask someone if they have seen The Friend Ship the answer is no. Every time Hedgehog is asked if an animal can join her quest she (and everyone else) always says yes.
After a few days of searching and asking, Hedgehog begins to lose hope, but the animals on the ship with her don’t let her give up. They support and comfort her, telling her that they will “stick with you till the end.”
This wonderful picture book shows readers, in a sweet and gentle way, how sometimes the one thing that we want the most in life can sometimes be found right under our noses. In company with Hedgehog and her fellow travelers, we go on a wonderful voyage of discovery and hope.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of The Fog
What feels like a long time ago I worked for environmental organizations, and environmental causes were dear to my heart. They still are, though these days I find different ways to make a difference where I can. One of the things I do is to seek out books for young people that help them understand that they can do something about the environmental problems that we face. Today's book is just such a title. The message is subtle, but powerful at the same time. It is a book readers of all ages will enjoy.
The Fog

Kyo Maclear
Illustrated by Kenard Pak
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Tundra Books, 2017, 978-1-77049-492-3
Far to the north there is an island covered in ice, and
its beauty is so remarkable that people from all over the world come to visit
it. There is a bird, a little yellow warbler, who lives on the island. Unlike
the other birds Warble is very interested in the humans who come and go. In
fact, he is a “devoted human watcher” and keeps careful records of all the
human types he sees.
Then one day a
warm fog rolls in and by evening the fog is so thick that no one can really see
anything. Warble waits and waits for the fog to lift. He talks to the other
birds about the problem, but none of them, except the ducks, seem to care. In
fact, many of the birds forget that there was a time when the island wasn’t
wrapped in fog all day long.
Warble does not
forget about the pre-fog days, and he also notices that the ice on the island
is melting. Something is really wrong. Feeling alarmed, Warble does his best to
talk to the other birds about his concerns. However, none of them want to
listen to him and the fog spreads further.
Then one day
Warble sees a small human, a “red-hooded spectacled female (juvenile)” to be
exact. Warble and the human meet and then they discover something remarkable;
they can understand one another. Perhaps together they can figure out what to
do about the fog.
All too often,
when something is wrong, people try to ignore it, or pretend that it isn’t
there. Solving a problem takes work and effort and they can’t be bothered. This
book is a tribute to all those wonderful people (and birds) who are bothered,
and who understand that it is important to see, and confront, the problems that
face us all.
With its subtle
environmental message and its charming characters, this picture book will charm
adults and children alike.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of A Good Story
There are some people in this world who think that books have no value; that they are even irrelevant in today's world. Stories, both true ones and fictional ones, have no place in their lives it would seem. The very idea of not having books in my life makes me feel sick to my stomach and cold all over. I have always loved books, and I have always wanted to have books around me.
In today's picture book you will meet a pig who lives in a world where words are not valued at all. Numbers rule, and everyone is expected to follow the rules and behave in a predictable and logical way. The pig does his best to live by the rules, but it turns out that he just isn't cut out for a humdrum life.
A Good Story
In today's picture book you will meet a pig who lives in a world where words are not valued at all. Numbers rule, and everyone is expected to follow the rules and behave in a predictable and logical way. The pig does his best to live by the rules, but it turns out that he just isn't cut out for a humdrum life.
A Good Story
Picture Book
For ages 6 and up
Creative Editions, 2017, 978-1-56846-280-6
Assistant Bean Counter No. 1138 is a numbers pig. He
wrangles numbers all day, and in the world he belongs to “something only
matters if it can be counted.” Though his co-workers seem to thrive on this
life, Assistant Bean Counter No. 1138 does not feel as if he fits in. In fact,
he has never felt like he belongs. In his world everyone is expected to toe the
line “without question,” to follow the “old story” that controls everything.
However, try as he might to be happy with what is “orderly and ordinary,” this
pig cannot help giving in to his impulses to do things that are out of the
One rainy day
the assistant takes refuge in a strange shop that is full of books. There are
no numbers in the place. Only words. He is astonished when he discovers that
the books contain the most remarkable stories, and through the stories he is
transported to incredible worlds where anything can happen.
While he is
perusing one of the volumes the pig encounters something that captures his
interest. He reads about an acrobat. The description of what an acrobat is tugs
at him, but the old story that dictates that he must avoid anything out of the
ordinary pulls him in the opposite direction.
It is not easy
to follow your own path in life, and to find the courage to turn away from what
is expected of you so that you can follow your heart. This powerful book
explores how one little pig discovers that he does not have to follow the crowd
if he does not want to. Other options are out there, if he is willing to step
off the beaten path.
Readers of all
ages will connect with this tale as it explores a timeless, ageless, and
universal theme.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Stay: A girl, a dog, a bucket list
A little over fourteen years ago I brought home a sick, miserable little bundle of fur. Pippin was a puppy mill rescue and he became one of my best friends. He went where I went, and loved me unconditionally, even when I was not at my best. He put up with sharing his home with a young child, a pig, and numerous cats and dogs. He even had to contend with grumpy docks patrolling his garden. He was love personified and his friendship mean a great deal to me. Knowing how precious such a friendship is, I decided to share this review with you. It perfectly captures how powerful the bond between a human and a dog can be.
Stay: A girl, a dog, a bucket list
Stay: A girl, a dog, a bucket list
Illustrated by M. Sarah Klise
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Feiwel and Friends, 2017, 978-1-250-10714-5
From the moment Astrid was born Eli was a part of her
life. He was her first friend and he went on to become her bodyguard, her
favorite pillow, and her roommate. It did not matter in the least that Astrid
was a little girl and that Eli was a boy dog. They were besties.
Then Astrid
began to notice that she was getting bigger than her large furry friend. As she
was getting taller Eli was getting older, and by the time Astrid was six Eli
was an old dog who walked more slowly than he used to.
One day, when
they were in the park, Astrid shared her popcorn with Eli and then she took him
on the slide with her so that he could try it. When they got home she put
together a bucket list of all the things Eli should do before he was too old to
do them. She and Eli would go through the list.
Together the two
friends rode on a bike, they went to the library where they borrowed lots of books
that were about dogs, they went to a movie theatre, they slept outside, and
Astrid let Eli sleep under the covers in bed with her. Astrid even gave Eli a
bubble bath and brushed him for a whole hour afterwards. Astrid then added one
more thing to the list because she knew that her dear friend was slowing down.
Best friends are
precious things, and in this special book Kate Klise and M. Sarah Klise give us
a story that is a celebration of friendship. Their tale also serves as a
reminder that we should enjoy our time with loved ones to the fullest. As the
story unfolds, we get to see how the relationship between the child and the dog
changes over time. The child who was cared for is now the caregiver.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Professional Crocodile
I have a special place in my heart for wordless books. I am attracted to them in part because they are such a pure form of storytelling through art. I am also love the fact that anyone can enjoy 'reading' them. Readers of all ages and all nationalities can follow the narrative and interprate it in their own way.
Today I bring you a wordless picture book that has such a beautifully paced narrative, and such a clever ending, that I smile every time I think about it. I also happen to really like the main character. There is a sweetness about him that is irresistible.
Professional Crocodile
Today I bring you a wordless picture book that has such a beautifully paced narrative, and such a clever ending, that I smile every time I think about it. I also happen to really like the main character. There is a sweetness about him that is irresistible.

Giovanna Zoboli
Illustrated by Mariachiara Di Giorgio
Wordless Picture Book
For ages for ages 4 to 7
Chronicle Books, 2017, 978-1-4521-6506-6
Crocodile is woken up when his alarm goes off. Bleary
eyed he gets out of bed, opens the curtains, gets dressed, has breakfast, and
then heads out to work. Through the busy streets he walks, stopping to look in
a shop window or two. He buys a newspaper before he heads down to the subway.
patiently waits for his train, and then he gets on board. For a while he reads
his newspaper, but then more people get on board and he is wedged in so tight
that reading the paper is just not possible.
Finally crocodile
gets to his destination. He quickly trots up the steps to the street, buys some
flowers, buys a roasted chicken, greets a shopkeeper, and then delivers the
flowers to a friend. It is time for crocodile to go to work.
In this intriguing
book readers will thoroughly enjoy sharing Crocodile’s commute, during which
they get to see the interesting people that he encounters along the way. Many
of the people are quite ordinary looking —though of course who can never tell
what a person is like from their outward appearance— but some of them are
decidedly different. Best of all, young readers will be quite surprised when
they find out what line of work Crocodile is in. Perhaps he is a dentist? Maybe
he is a roast chicken connoisseur?
Friday, September 15, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of Bravo! Poems about amazing Hispanics
I have a confession to make. I do not know much about the Hispanic community here in the U.S. I really have never had the opportunity to learn much about Hispanics, and I know that this is a shame. I therefore was delighted when I came across today's poetry book. On its pages I got to 'meet' some extraordinary Hispanic men and women who have made the world a better place.
Bravo! Poems about amazing Hispanics

Margarita Engle
Illustrated by Rafael Lopez
Poetry nonfiction Picture Book
For ages 6 to 8
Henry Holt, 2017, 978-0-8050-9876-1
The United States has been, and is, home to some
remarkable Hispanic men and women. Some of them came to the U.S. as refugees or
immigrants, while others were born here. Many of these people speak multiple
languages, and they stay connected to their native or ancestral land through
the meals that they cook, and the festivals that they celebrate.
For this book
Margarita Engle has written poems about Hispanic men and women who achieved
great and meaningful things. Some of them are famous, while others are not. All
of them are “amazing people.”
The first person
we ‘meet’ is Juan de Miralles. Juan grew up in Cuba, and when he was a grown and
successful businessman he visited the United States to help the Americans gain
their independence from England. Juan was friends with George Washington, and
was with him at Valley Forge when George Washington’s soldiers were suffering
due to a lack of warm clothing and other supplies. One of the illnesses that
they suffered from was scurvy, and so Juan sent some of his ships to Cuba to
bring home limes and guavas, which serve as an excellent cure for scurvy.
Felix Varela
also came from Cuba, and he chose to become a priest. He was outspoken, and
preached “against cruelty, speaking out in favor / of freedom for slaves, and
freedom / for the colonies of Spain.” Felix’s words made him so unpopular in
Cuba that he had to flee, and he took refuge in the United States, where he
took up the cause of the Irish immigrants who had fled Ireland because of the
potato famine. The Irish immigrants had so little and needed help, and they
also needed someone to protect them against prejudice. Felix helped the Irish
build schools, he took care of their sick, and protected their children from
Louis Agassiz
Fuentes was the son of a Puerto Rican father and an American mother and he was
born in New York. Though Louis’ father wanted him to become an engineer, Louis
loved birds and he wanted to paint them. Unlike many bird artists, Louis
refused to kill and pose his beautiful subjects. Instead he learned “to paint
quickly” while the birds flew “in the wide / wondrous / sky.”
In all we meet
eighteen Hispanic men and women in this book who are writers, activists,
artists, scientists, teachers, musicians, and more. At the back of the book the
author provides her readers with further information about the people she
writes about in her poems.
This is the kind
of the book that people who are not familiar with Hispanic history will find
fascinating. They will discover many truly special people on the pages, people
who have made the world a richer and better place.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Monday, September 11, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Books do not have wings
I freely admit that I enjoy watching films and programs on the television and on my ipad. I have a Kindle, and I use it all the time. However, I am still a devotee of books. I buy them regularly, and there are books in practically every room in my home. I know that books can offer me things that I cannot get from a screen, and I relish my reading time. Books educate, they comfort, and they entertain. They open doors to different worlds, and show us that there are so many possible paths to take in life.
Today I bring you a picture book that celebrates all the things books give us.
Books do not have wings
Today I bring you a picture book that celebrates all the things books give us.

Brynne Barnes
Illustrated by Rogerio Coelho
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Sleeping Bear Press, 2017, 978-1-58536-964-5
When you pick up a book what do you see? You see
something that has a cover, a spine, and pages. You know that the book has a
writer and perhaps an illustrator as well, and that it has readers “like you.”
Perhaps you think that this is ‘just’ a book, but you would be wrong. There is
nothing ‘just’ about a book, because a book “can do anything / that you want it
to do.”
Though a book
technically does not have wings and does not have an engine or other remarkable
moving parts, it still is a marvelous “work of art” that “plumps up your
thinker / and fills up your heart.” It is more than a cover, a spine, and
pages. It is “more than a book.”
Through its
words a book can become a ship that takes you on a grand adventure with
pirates. It can dip under the ocean waves and we can take a journey in a
submarine, exploring fascinating undersea worlds that are full of extraordinary
sea creatures.
With a book for
company we can watch a witch stirring her brew, and gaze upon a dragon that is
resting on a cloud deep in slumber. We can marvel as flocks of fairies dance
around the leaves of trees in a forest.
Perhaps the most
amazing thing of all about a book is the fact that if you have the wish to
explore the book with an open heart and mind, and have eyes that are eager to
discover what comes next, a book can be just about anything,
In the glorious
picture book a lyrical rhyming text is paired with rich and magical
illustrations to take readers on a journey that shows them that books are
extraordinary things. They should not be taken for granted, nor should we ever
think that they are ‘just’ a book. Once we open them up and start to read, the
stories and narratives in books can take us into marvelous worlds that are ruled
by the imagination, or knowledge, or both.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of You can Fly: The Tuskegee Airmen
First and second person narratives in historical fiction can give readers a very powerful reading experience. These types of stories can bring history alive so that we can get a sense of what it was like to live in the past. Today I bring you a piece of historical fiction that is presented to the reader in the form of blank verse. It is a remarkable story that everyone, even people who don't care for history, will find interesting.
You can Fly: The Tuskegee Airmen

Carole Boston Weatherford
Illustrated by Jeffery Boston Weatherford
For ages 9 to 12
Simon and Schuster, 2017, 978-1481449380
Becoming a pilot is not easy, and if you are a person of
color it is particularly hard. There are only 130 black pilots in the nation
after all, and thousands of people who think that you “not fit to fly” because
of the color of your skin. You cannot give up on your dream though. “The engine
of your ambition will not brake / for walls of injustice – no matter how high.”
So off you go to
the Tuskegee institute with a Bible and a “box lunch from your mama,” and there
you spend your days being told what to do by Chief Anderson. Chief Anderson
knows how to fly and how to train pilots, and it turns out he also knows how to
win the favor of the First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt goes up in his plane and she
sees first hand that black pilots can fly. Eleanor tells her husband the
president about her experience and he insists that black pilots should be given
“a shot.”
Thus it is that
the Tuskegee Experiment begins and it is up to you and the rest of the cadets
to prove to the world what you can do. There are only thirteen of you, and your
officers are all white; they are all eager not for the medals of a general, but
for the opportunity to make history. They have a lot to prove and they are
counting on you to prove that they were right to put their faith in you. They
are not the only ones who are watching. Indeed, “The eyes of your country are
on you,” and the “hopes of your people / rest on your shoulders.” It is a
fearsome burden.
Days, weeks, and
months of classwork and training go by and then you hear about the attack on
Pearl Harbor and suddenly more is at stake. A lot more. You are eager to do
your part and you follow the war news, and yet nothing happens. You wait and
then, at last, the words that you have been waiting for, “Move Out,” are
finally heard. You join four hundred of your fellow pilots from the 99th
Fighter Squadron and get on a train bound for New York.
Written in the
second person using a series of poems, this truly special book shows readers
what it was like to be a Tuskegee airman before, during, and after WWII. Readers
will come to appreciate the challenges that faced African-Americans who wanted
to be licensed pilots. They will read about the obstacles that were put in
their way even when they wanted to serve their country during wartime. It is
sobering to realize that these pilots, who did not lose a bomber in 200 of
their 205 missions, and whose military records were exemplary, came home only
to face racism and segregation.
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Books of Hope: My Beautiful Birds
For the last few weeks I have felt as if the world really is struggling to stay 'upright.' Everywhere I look I see news about hurricanes and wildfires. My own beautiful valley has been shrouded by a fog of heavy, eye-burning, wildfire smoke that leaves me wheezing and exhausted. Then there are all the political conflicts that are disrupting people's lives all over the planet. In a way these are even worse than the challenges that Mother Nature tests us with because they are preventable, and the long-term effects of these kinds of events can last for decades.
What is happening in Syria is a perfect example of these man-made disasters. Today I bring you a book about a little boy who loses everything he holds dear when his home is destroyed and he becomes a refugee.
My Beautiful Birds
What is happening in Syria is a perfect example of these man-made disasters. Today I bring you a book about a little boy who loses everything he holds dear when his home is destroyed and he becomes a refugee.

Suzanne Del Rizzo
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Pajama Press, 2017, 978-1-77278-010-9
When their town is bombed and starts to burn, Sami and
his family have no choice but to leave. War has destroyed their home and now
they are refugees carrying all that they own on their backs and in their arms.
Sami is brokenhearted not just because he has lost his home, but also because
he has lost the pet pigeons he loved and cared for. Sami’s father reassures his
son that the pigeons “escaped too.” His words gives Sami a little comfort.
Sami and his
family members walk for several days until they finally come to a refugee camp.
Here at last they will be safe. They are given a tent to live in, and it is not
long before Father plants a garden, Mother starts cooking meals, and the camp’s
children start attending a school that is set up for them. Just like before,
the children sing songs, they do math, they play soccer, and they paint
pictures, but Sami cannot enjoy doing any of these things. He is too
broken-hearted about the loss of his home and his birds.
One day Sami is
lying on the roof of a building looking up at the sky and daydreaming when four
birds arrive. They are refugees in the desert, just like Sami.
When you live in
a peaceful place where there is no war or conflict, it is hard to imagine what
it is like to lose everything. It is hard to imagine what it is like to be a
refugee. Unfortunately, today more people have been displaced by conflict and
natural disasters than ever before.
One of the
places where these displacements are taking place is Syria, a country that has
been ripped apart by war. In this story we meet a Syrian child whose whole life
is turned upside down when his hometown is destroyed. We watch as he struggles
to adjust to his new existence in a refugee camp, and as he longs for what he
used to have.
written, and illustrated using polymer clay and acrylic, this picture book
serves as a tribute to all those families who have had to venture out into the
unknown when their homes have been taken from them.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Picture Book Monday with a review of Here Comes Teacher Cat
In many places the new school year has started. Lazy summer days are over and it is time to begin a new chapter. Today I bring you a book about Cat, a character who is funny and sometimes rather opinionated. In the story Cat is asked to stand in for a teacher who has to go to a doctor's office, and he discovers that being a teacher is both challenging and rewarding.
Here comes Teacher Cat
Deborah Underwood
Illustrated by Claudia Rueda
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Penguin, 2014, 978-0-399-53905-3
Cat is fast asleep and when the narrator wakes him up Cat
is not pleased. The narrator insists that “this is an emergency,” which it
surely is. Ms. Melba, the teacher at Kitty School, had to go to the doctor and
Cat is going to have to step up and help out. Cat is not keen on the idea at
all. In fact, he tries to sneak away, but then the narrator reminds Cat about
all the nice things Ms. Melba has done for him.
Very reluctantly
Cat goes to Kitty Elementary. He actually tries to hide under the teacher’s desk,
but the narrator finds him out. Cat is going to have to do something to engage
his eager little students and he decides to start with a music lesson. He gives
his students drums, a horn, a sax, an electric guitar, a bass, and a keyboard to
play. The music is great and they are all having fun but - there always is a
but - it is too loud. Cat is going to have to find something else to do.
Next Cat and his
little charges build something, and then they create some art. Both activities
are a great success except for the fact that Cat gets a little carried away.
Actually, he gets very carried away and the result is a terrible mess in Ms.
Melba’s classroom. What is she going to think when she gets back from the
doctor’s office?
Cat is never one
to do things in moderation. When he gets involved in a project he jumps in with
all four paws. Children are going to love seeing how he copes with being a
temporary teacher, and how his day actually turns out to be quite enjoyable,
all in all.
This is the fifth
Cat adventure, and once again Cat and the narrator have a wonderful
relationship that readers will find amusing and entertaining. You can always
trust that Cat will get up to something when you meet him. That’s just how he
is, and we love him for it.Friday, September 1, 2017
Poetry Friday with a review of Stone Mirrors: The Sculpture and Silence of Edmonia Lewis
Many years ago I was sent a manuscript of a novel that was written in blank verse. I will honestly say that I was dreading reading it, but as soon as I began I was hooked. It was so beautifully written, and at times I was in tears as I turned the pages (I was still getting printed manuscripts in the mail at this time.) Since then I have sought out novels written in verse and have spent many hours exploring this wonderful form of writing.
Today I bring you an extraordinary example of this poetry genre. The narrative tells the story of a young woman who had to overcome a great deal in her life. We know very little about her, but thankfully we can still look at some of the beautiful sculptures that she created (see an example of her work below the review).
Stone Mirrors: The Sculpture and Silence of Edmonia Lewis
Today I bring you an extraordinary example of this poetry genre. The narrative tells the story of a young woman who had to overcome a great deal in her life. We know very little about her, but thankfully we can still look at some of the beautiful sculptures that she created (see an example of her work below the review).

Jeannie Atkins
For ages 13 and up
Simon and Schuster, 2017, 978-1-4814-5905-1
The American Civil War is raging and there is a lot of
uncertainty and change in the air. Thanks to all the discussion about race, and
through the efforts of abolitionists, a few people of color are now being
offered the opportunity to get a higher education. One of these people is
Edmonia, a half African-America half Ojibwe girl. She is a student at Oberlin College
in Ohio where both people of color and women are being accepted as students.
The theory is
that Edmonia is supposed to be just another student, but this is not really how
it is. In reality she has to very careful to behave in an exemplary manner and
not do anything to draw attention to herself. Edmonia’s roommate Ruth is very
hard working and conscientious and warns Edmonia not to associate with some
white girls that Edmonia thinks are her friends.
It turns out
that Ruth’s warnings are justified. One night the girls add a little something
to their mulled cider and get very sick. Edmonia, because she was there and
served the girls their drinks, is blamed for what happened, and is even accused
of trying to poison the girls. Before she can really grasp what is happening to
her, Edmonia is told she cannot leave her dorm and cannot attend classes until
her case comes up before the judge.
Though she is
not supposed to go outside, Edmonia does so any way, needing the solace of
nature to help her feel grounded and connected to who she is. While she is out
she is assaulted by a group of men and comes back to the room she shares with
Ruth bleeding and shocked. The girls decide not to tell anyone about what
happened. It would not do to give the people who are out to get Edmonia more
ammunition to use against her.
In the end the
case against Edmonia is dismissed due to insufficient evidence. That should be
the end of the whole business but it isn’t. The clouds that hung over Edmonia
in the days leading up to the trial still seem to be there. Then Edmonia is
accused of stealing some paints and though she is told “Not a single trustee
believes you are a thief,” she is also told that it would be better if she
didn’t come back next semester.
There is no doubt
that losing her place at Oberlin college is a huge blow to Edmonia, but it
turns out that her change in fortune ends up being a good thing in the long run
because it gives her the opportunity to work with an artist, which then leads
to her becoming a sculptor.
We know very
little about Edmonia Lewis’ life story and so the author of this book chose to
create a novel in verse so that she could fill the gaps in history with scenes
and people born in her imagination. The format suits her purpose beautifully,
and she captures Edmonia’s personality, and her reactions to the events that
impact her, in a powerful and memorable way.
![]() |
Hiawatha's Marriage by Edmonia Lewis |
Children's book reviews,
Poetry books,
Poetry Friday
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