Breaking something that you treasure can be devastating. Watching someone else breaking something that you treasure is even worse. Today's picture book is about a dog whose favorite ball is destroyed. Luckily something good comes out of the experience.
Children who cannot read by themselves yet will love the fact that this is a no-reading-required title. Wordless books are wonderful!
Chris Raschka
Wordless Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Random House, 2011, 978-0-375-85861-1
Daisy the dog has a red ball that she loves very very much. She plays with it, and even snuggles it when she is napping on the sofa. One day Daisy and her owner go for a walk. Daisy’s owner carries Daisy’s beloved ball and then she gives it to Daisy to play with. All goes well until a brown dog decides to play with the ball too. To Daisy’s consternation the brown dog runs off with the ball and then, horror of horrors, the ball bursts. To say that Daisy is devastated is an understatement. Daisy cannot understand why her ball is not ball-like anymore. What has happened?
In this delightful wordless book, Chris Raschka perfectly captures the love a little dog has for her ball. Readers will be able to easily understand all of the little dog’s moods, and appreciate how lost she is when her treasure is ruined. The wonderfully expressive illustrations in this title will charm readers of all ages.