
Dear Book Lovers, Welcome! I am delighted that you have found The Through the Looking Glass blog. For over twenty years I reviewed children's literature titles for my online journal, which came out six times a year. Every book review written for that publication can be found on the Through the Looking Glass website (the link is below). I am now moving in a different direction, though the columns that I write are still book-centric. Instead of writing reviews, I'm offering you columns on topics that have been inspired by wonderful books that I have read. I tell you about the books in question, and describe how they have have impacted me. This may sound peculiar to some of you, but the books that I tend to choose are ones that resonate with me on some level. Therefore, when I read the last page and close the covers, I am not quite the same person that I was when first I started reading the book. The shift in my perspective might be miniscule, but it is still there. The books I am looking are both about adult and children's titles. Some of the children's titles will appeal to adults, while others will not. Some of the adult titles will appeal to younger readers, particularly those who are eager to expand their horizons.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty-five

There aren't many picture book characters who can make me laugh out loud, but Clarice Bean and her colorful family and friends can. In today's picture book, Clarice and her siblings find themselves getting into one pickle after another, and their story is sure to bring a smile to even the glummest of faces.

Lauren Child
Picture Book
For ages 6 to 8
Candlewick Press, 2000, 0-7636-1373-8
   One morning, at five-fifteen, the phone rings in Clarice Bean’s house. A nurse in a hospital in New York City explains that Clarice’s Uncle Eric has slipped on a doughnut and he is injured. Clarice’s mother is going to have to go to the hospital “on the double.” Dad is going away on “Important Business” so someone is going to have to babysit Clarice and her siblings.  Mom tries to find someone to babysit, but everyone is busy. There is only one person left to ask: Uncle Ted.
   Mom is not keen on having her younger brother watch the children, but she has run out of options. She gives Uncle Ted strict instructions on what he should and should not do, and for two days all goes well. Then Clarice’s little brother lets Albert the class guinea pig out of his hutch and the peace and harmony in the Bean house evaporates.
   There is something delightfully reassuring about stories that feature Clarice Bean and her family. The Beans and their relatives have what are (really) quite everyday sort of adventures. Anyone could lose a pet, get their head stuck in a fence, or lose their grandpa, but not everyone manages to do so in such a deliciously odd and peculiar way. Clarice’s first person narrative is laugh-out-loud funny, and Lauren Child’s multimedia illustrations perfectly capture the nuttiness of this loveable family. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty-four

These days more and more people are realizing that overzealous teasing, hazing, and bullying can be very dangerous for the child who is on the receiving end of this treatment. More and more people are talking openly about the problem, and schools are making more of an effort to put a stop to it.

In today's picture book you are going to meet a little rat who is picked on so much that he tries to make himself as small and inconspicuous as he can. His story is touching, and it also empowering. 

Helen Lester
Illustrated by Lynn Munsinger
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Houghton Mifflin, 1999, 978-0-395-92392-4
   Rodney Rat is a very unfortunate little fellow because he cannot for the life of him pronounce his r’s. This means that when he is asked what he name is, Rodney says that his name is Wodney Wat, and this answer makes all the other wodents…er…rodents in his class laugh at him.
   Picked on mercilessly by Hairy Hamster, Mimifeet Mouse and the other children in his class, Wodney tries to stay as inconspicuous as possible. He speaks so softly that no one can hear him, he eats alone at lunchtime, and he hides inside his jacket during recess.
  Then one day a new rodent comes into the classroom. Her name is Camilla Capybara and she is enormous. She is also meaner and smarter than all the other rodents, and she takes great pleasure in demonstrating what a clever bully she is. Soon everyone in the class is thoroughly cowed by Camilla, and it seems likely that she is going to be top rodent for the foreseeable future. Or perhaps not.
   In this deliciously funny and sweet picture book we meet a truly pitiful little rodent child who is the underdog in his peer group. Thankfully, Helen Lester decides to give Wodney Wat a break, and his inspirational story will give readers hope that sometimes the underdog really can change his story.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty-three

Sometimes strong friendships develop between two individuals who are very different. Technically speaking they have nothing in common, and yet they get along famously all the same. In today's picture book you will meet a little girl who becomes great friends with a sea serpent. Their friendship not only enriches the little girl's life, but it also helps her to learn an important lesson about friendship and sacrifice..

Dashka Slater
Illustrated by Catia Chien
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Houghton Mifflin, 2008, 978-0618-723942
   One day a little girl is just about to have a bath in the bathtub when a very small sea serpent drops out of the faucet and into the tub. Soon the girl and the little sea serpent are having the time of their life playing together in the water. After their bath is over, the little girl puts the sea serpent into an aquarium and he tells her how he came to end up in her bath. He also tells her that he misses the sea and she promises to take him back.
   For the next few days it rains, and the little girl puts off taking the sea serpent to the beach. She enjoys his company so much, though she does notice that he is growing at a remarkable rate. In fact, in no time at all he is too big for the aquarium and has to be kept in the bathtub. It soon becomes clear that the little girl can no longer keep her friend in her house. He has to go back to the sea where he belongs.
   This charming picture book tells the story of a friendship that crosses great boundaries and that becomes very strong in just a short period of time. Readers will be touched when they see how the two young ones struggle to let go, and how the little girl finally finds the courage to do what needs to be done.
   With delightfully playful illustrations and two delightful main characters, this is a picture book that is a celebration of true friendship.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty-two

One of the downsides of going on vacation is having to adjust to being back at home after the vacation is over. The gloriously free days are gone, and once again there is work to be done, errands to run, and chores to do. Imagine what it would be like if you were gone on a vacation that lasted millions of years. Coming home would be rather a shock to the system!

Joe Kulka
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Lerner, 2010, 978-0-7613-5212-9
   I imagine that you are one of those people who think the dinosaurs are extinct, right? Well, I am here to tell you that you are wrong. Long ago they left Earth to go on a “cruise” on an alien spaceship, and ever since they have been having a great time visiting distant planets and seeing the sights.
   Now they are back, and it is time for them to “settle back in” to everyday life. How will they manage on a planet that has changed so much since they were last here? Will they be able to adjust to being in everyday mode after being on vacation for so long?
   Children who have a fondness for dinosaurs are sure to enjoy this clever picture book with its amusing rhyming text and its colorful and expressive illustrations. What would you do if a brachiosaurus moved in next door?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Poetry Friday - A review of The Carnival of the Animals

When I was young, one of my favorite pieces of music was The Carnival of Animals by Camille Saint-Saens. I learned how to play the swan piece on my flute, and was thrilled when my school orchestra (with me in it) performed the entire piece for a concert. Admittedly the orchestra wasn't that good, but I felt fantastic playing a piece of music I had loved for so long.

For today's poetry title I have reviewed a book written by Jack Prelutsky. He has written fifteen poems to reflect the musical pictures that Saint-Saens created.for The Carnival of Animals. 

Jack Prelutsky
Illustrated by Mary GrandPre
Poetry Picture book and Audio CD
For ages 6 to 9
Random House, 2010, 978-0-375-86458-2
In 1866, Camille Saint-Saens composed a piece of music called The Carnival of the Animals. For the piece, Saint-Saens created fourteen musical profiles of animals, using instruments to capture the essence of their natures. Some of the pieces poke fun, while others are clearly an ode to the beauty of the animals in question.
   For this book, Poet Laureate Jack Prelutsky has created fifteen poems that explore the animals that Saint-Saens portrayed in his famous piece of music. He begins with an introduction, setting the scene if you will for what is to follow. Then we meet the king of beasts, the lion, who “manages to labor less / Than every lovely lioness.”
   Then there are the roosters and hens who “peck peck peck and cluck cluck cluck” as they “scurry scurry scurry.” Other birds appear later in the book. In The Cuckoo we hear about how this wily bird lays its eggs in “Some smaller bird’s abode.” The swan is altogether a different creature. Elegant and “stately” the swan glides upon the water, a graceful creature that is “grand and glorious.”
   With beautifully crafted poems that a rich with imagery, this is a picture book that children will greatly enjoy. To future the reader’s enjoyment of this title, the publishers have included a recording of Jack Prelutsky reading his poems. Saint-Saens’ musical animal portraits follow Jack Prelutsky’s dramatic readings.
   At the back of the book readers will find more information about Saint-Saens and his Carnival of the Animals.

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty-one

Every so often I find a book that will appeal to children and adults alike. Today's book is just such a title, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and looking at the art. I imagine this book would make a great gift fore readers who will soon be embarking on a new adventure. 

Serge Bloch
Picture Book
For ages 7 and up
Sterling, 2010, 978-1-4027-7129-3
   Here you are, “You’ve got your whole life ahead of you,” and there are all kinds of adventures lying in your future. Sometimes things will go well, “it’ll be smooth sailing,” but then there will also be those times when things do not go well. Perhaps you will feel small and unimportant, “a small fish in a big pond.” Perhaps you will not succeed in your endeavors at first and you might make some rather big mistakes.
   The important thing to do is not to give up. No matter how many times you “sink like a stone,” don’t be discouraged. If you persevere and “shoot for the stars” you will more likely than not be able to make your dreams come true.
   Using delightfully funny multimedia illustrations, Serge Bloch has created a picture book that will ‘speak’ to readers of all ages. His words of support and encouragement are simple yet powerful.
   This book would be a great gift for anyone who is about to start a new chapter in their lives. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and thirty

Many children love to have a soothing story read to them at bedtime. I must have read Goodnight Moon to my daughter a thousand times when she was little. Today's book is a perfect last-thing-at-night story to read to a sleepy child. With its musically lyrical text and its dreamlike story, it is perfect for sending a child off into dreamland. 

James Mayhew
Illustrated by Jackie Morris
Picture book
For ages 4 to 6
Barefoot Books, 2009, 978-1-84686-185-7
   It is bedtime and a little boy and his mother are reading together in bed. The little boy sees the first star of the evening shining in the sky and he makes a wish. In dreamland, he wishes he had a little paper boat that he could use to travel to faraway places where “great blue whales leap.” In his little boat he goes to a land where there are children waiting for him, and who invite him to come and play with them.
   Together the children build a castle complete with flags and a moat. They pretend to be knights and kings, and then they go into a cave where they meet a gorgeous dragon who tells them “magic tales of old.” Later they travel “across the starlit sky” on the dragon’s back.
   This magical picture book will take readers on a delightful dreamlike journey where all adventures are grand, and where everyone is kind and welcoming. Gorgeous paintings provide the perfect backdrop for the rhyming text. In the back of the book, readers will find directions for making a little paper boat of their own, just in case they need a dreamland vessel to travel in.
   This title would be a perfect book to read at bedtime, just as the first star is showing itself in the night sky.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and twenty-nine

For some children having a sleepover at a friend's house is a rather frightening prospect. Their parents are far away, they are in a strange bed in a strange room, and they hear noises that are unfamiliar. Today's picture book tells the story of one little boy's sleepover fears and how he overcomes them. I have a feeling that Ben's story might help other children deal with their sleepover worries.

Sarah Ellis
Illustrated by Kim LaFave
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 2005, 1-55041-910-2
   Ben and Peter are neighbors and they are the best of friends. When Ben is over at Peter’s house he can be “almost anything.” He can be a pirate, a musician, a cook, a couch potato who watches TV, and so much more. There is one thing that he cannot be, and that is a “sleepover-nighter.”
   Every time Ben tries to spend the night at Peter’s house he gets homesick and he starts to cry. The only solution then is for Ben’s parents to come and get him. Ben takes a flashlight and a blankey the next time he tries to have a sleepover at Peter’s, but that doesn’t work either. Ben’s big brother Joe offers go with him, but Ben doesn’t want to do that. Perhaps a sleepover at Peter’s house just isn’t going to be possible after all.
   In this clever picture book Sarah Ellis addresses a problem that many children struggle with. It is not easy to spend the night in a strange house when you are a small child, and Sarah Ellis presents Ben’s difficulties with sensitivity and warmth.
   Children experiencing their own version of sleepoveritis are sure to find this story comforting and supportive. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and twenty-eight

Once, when I was a child growing up in a village in Lebanon I saw a snake in the wood pile. I told my mother what I had seen, and her response was to tell me not to be ridiculous. Later she went past the woodpile and almost had a heart attack when the snake came sliding out. I don't remember saying "I told you so," but I have a feeling that I must have done.

Sometimes grownups are not very good at believing what their children tell them. Today's picture book demonstrates this problem very well indeed. Take note adults, sometimes when a child tells you that there is a pirate in the cupboard or a cake-stealing ninja on the loose, they are telling the truth!

Alex Latimer
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Peachtree Publishers, 2011, 978-1-56145-579-9
  Tim is a little boy who says so many extraordinary things that no one believes him. When his mother asks about the missing last piece of cake, Tim explains that a ninja crept into the house and ate it. When his father asks where the hammer is, Tim tells him that an astronaut landed in the yard and used the hammer to fix his spaceship.
   Tim’s parents punish him for lying, so Tim decides that the best thing to do is to lie. After all, no one believes him when he tells the truth. So, when a pirate jumps out of the cupboard and drinks all the tea, Tim takes responsibility. In fact he takes responsibility for all the bad or strange things that happen around the house, even though he is not responsible for any of them. Despite his efforts to please his family, Tim gets punished for all the supposed bad things he has done. Poor Tim is punished when he tells the truth, and he is punished when he lies. What is the poor boy going to do?
   Children are sure to be amused by this delightfully odd picture book. They will sympathize with Tim’s predicament, and celebrate when he finds a solution. They might even be inspired to tackle the ninja and astronaut who have been causing problems in their lives. Who knows? Perhaps Tim’s solution will work for them too.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The TTLG 2011 Picture Book Celebration: Book two hundred and twenty-seven

I am one of those people who panics when something happens to my computer or my internet connection. I need these things for work, but I also cannot imagine living without my online newspapers and Wikipedia. The downside, I feel, to all this technology, is the way in which people connect on a personal level less than they used to. We can talk to one another more easily, but do we really reach out in a meaningful way?

Today's picture book beautifully shows how important it is to reach out to others so that they know that we really care and are thinking about them.

Karen Littlewood
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Peachtree Publishers, 2010, 978-1-56145-545-4
   Immi lives in a place where the wind is icy and where snow falls. All she ever sees around her is an empty “frozen white world.” One day Immi is fishing through a hole in the ice and instead of catching a fish, she pulls up a small colorful wooden bird. Immi has never seen so many beautiful colors and she ties the little bird onto her necklace, “next to a small white bear.”
   The next day she pulls up a red flower. Then there is an orange starfish, a green leaf, and a purple feather. Soon Immi’s igloo is covered with colorful decorations, and her home is “the brightest thing in the land.” The colors attract many animals to Immi’s home, and soon she is no longer lonely. She has lots of friends who stay to supper and who fill the “long dark nights with stories of faraway lands.” Who sent these gifts to Immi and why?
   All too often we live our lives cut off from others, not seeing their troubles, and not reaching out to them in friendship. This beautiful picture book celebrates the magical moment when we make the effort to connect with another person. It shows us how important it is to reach out to others, even people who live far away. That moment of contact is truly a precious thing.
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