
Dear Book Lovers, Welcome! I am delighted that you have found The Through the Looking Glass blog. For over twenty years I reviewed children's literature titles for my online journal, which came out six times a year. Every book review written for that publication can be found on the Through the Looking Glass website (the link is below). I am now moving in a different direction, though the columns that I write are still book-centric. Instead of writing reviews, I'm offering you columns on topics that have been inspired by wonderful books that I have read. I tell you about the books in question, and describe how they have have impacted me. This may sound peculiar to some of you, but the books that I tend to choose are ones that resonate with me on some level. Therefore, when I read the last page and close the covers, I am not quite the same person that I was when first I started reading the book. The shift in my perspective might be miniscule, but it is still there. The books I am looking are both about adult and children's titles. Some of the children's titles will appeal to adults, while others will not. Some of the adult titles will appeal to younger readers, particularly those who are eager to expand their horizons.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Poetry Friday - A review of Collected Poems for Children

Ted Hughes was a prolific writer who wrote several hundred poems for young readers, and who was Britain's Poet Laureate from 1984 until his dead in 1998. For today's poetry title I have reviewed an excellent collection of Ted Hughes' poems.

Ted Hughes
Illustrated by Raymond Briggs
For ages 6 and up
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005, 978-0-374-31429-3
During his lifetime, Ted Hughes wrote hundreds of poems for young people. He was particularly fond of writing poems about animals, both real creatures like seals and skunks, and fantastical ones like the Loch Ness monster and the Mountain Dugong. He is probably most well known for his humorous verse, but he also wrote many poems that have a more serious and contemplative feel.
   In this collection, more than two hundred and fifty of Ted Hughes’ poems have been brought together to give readers a memorable reading adventure. The poems are arranged by volume, beginning with The Mermaid’s Purse, and ending with Season Songs. The poems at the beginning of the book are for younger children, while those in the later collection are better suited to more mature readers (including adults).
   Young children are going to love reading about the sea creatures that appear in the The Mermaid’s Purse collection. Here they will meet a ragworm, a poor creature that was once “all the rage,” but who was cruelly supplanted by fish, those animals who favor the “Fashion of Flounce.” On these pages they will also meet a mermaid and a sea monster. The latter’s appearance makes a child feel so terrified that he “cannot cry” and is “Completely numb.”
   In The Cat and the Cuckoo collection we meet familiar animals like the cow, mole, and donkey. Of course Ted Hughes manages to describe his subjects in wonderfully creative and often amusing ways. We find out that the humble shrew, despite its small size and very “tender, waggling nose,” is a temperamental creature that will, when it meets another of its kind, “fight to the death.” Another small furry beast, the mole, insists that it should always “travel by hole.” Though its sensitive nose is like “a beam of light” cutting through the darkness underground, its eyes are tiny and not very useful.
   Next we move on to Meet my Folks, which is where we get to know Grandpa, Brother Bert, and many others. Among other things, we learn that “ma” is a superlative cook who rustles up massive cakes for maharajas, “Whipped-Cream Goose,” and rattlesnake curry with “Crème de la Cactus.” Sister Jane is an honest to goodness bird, a “great big crow” who has to go about disguised so that no one knows what she really is.
   These three sections are followed by five others, ending with poems from What is truth? and Season Songs.
   Readers will be able to grow up with this book, reading the amusing poems at the beginning of the book when they are young, and exploring the more thoughtful and perhaps and demanding poems when they are older. This is a book to keep at hand, to dip into, and to enjoy at quiet moments.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fiction Wednesday - Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart Little

I live with two people who procrastinate in a big way. Both my husband and my daughter like to put things off until the last possible moment. The more I remind them of the things that they have to do, the more they try to get out of doing them. My daughter still thinks that I might forget that she needs to brush the dogs or tidy her room, but I never do. 

In today's book you will meet a girl who takes procrastination to a whole new level. Her adventures are deliciously funny, and grownups will be hard pressed not to laugh at the various tricks that she comes up with to get her out of trouble. 
Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little
Peggy Gifford
Photographs by Valorie Fisher
For ages 7 to 10
Random House, 2008, 978-0-440-42230-3
It is August 23rd, and tomorrow is the first day of school. Moxy Mawell is in dire trouble because she has not read Stuart Little, the book that her teacher assigned his students to read over the summer vacation. Moxy’s teacher, Mr. Flamingo, will be quizzing the students about the book tomorrow, so Moxy cannot just pretend to read the book, she actually has to do it.
   The reason why Moxy has not read the book is quite simple; she does not like reading books that some one tells her to read. She only likes to read book that she chooses to read. All summer long she has carried Stuart Little around with her, and though it has had lemonade spilled on it, and it has fallen in the pool, and it has been used to prop up a table, it has not been read at all.
   Now Moxy’s mother has announced that there will be “consequences” if Moxy does not read the book. In fact, Moxy’s mother even goes so far as to say that Moxy will not be able to perform in the water-ballet show that afternoon if the book is not read by five o’clock. The very idea of having such a consequence imposed on her makes Moxy feel positively unwell.
   One would think that this threat would be enough to finally get Moxy to read those one hundred and forty-four pages. Unfortunately, it does not inspire Moxy to read the book. Instead, it inspires her to find new ways to avoid reading the book, which brings about a disaster of monumental proportions.
   Readers who struggle with their own procrastination tendencies will find it not to smile (or even laugh) as they read about Moxy’s end-of-the-summer battle. Her deliciously funny personality comes through beautifully, and one cannot help liking the nine-year-old who has a list of potential careers, a list of things she hates to do, and who has the tendency to “go to extremes.”

Monday, June 4, 2012

Picture book Monday - A review of When a dragon moves in

What could be better than a picture book about a dragon? A picture book about a dragon who lives on a beach of course! At least I think so, because I am a fan of dragons, and I love spending time at the beach building sandcastles, exploring tide pools, and dozing under an umbrella. I am therefore delighted to bring you this dragony beachy book. I have a feeling that today' picture book will inspire dragon lovers to get busy building sandcastles as fast as they can. Read on to find out why.

When a Dragon Moves In
Jodi Moore
Illustrated by Howard McWilliam
Picture Book
For ages 6 to 8
Flashlight Press, 2011, 978-0-979974-67-0
   You may not know this, but if you build a sandcastle (a perfect one) at the beach, there is a good chance that a dragon will move in. Having a dragon in residence is a fantastic thing, because dragons are great companions and playmates. If you have a dragon living in your sandcastle, you will have someone to swim with, someone who will scare off the bullies, and a “built-in marshmallow toaster.”
   Of course, having a dragon around can present a few problems that you will need to take care of. You will have to make sure that you erase the dragon footprints, hide the dragon smoke, and you will have to find a way to feed the dragon without attracting any attention. There is a good chance that you will get blamed for some of the things that the dragon does. After all, parents and big sisters are hopeless when it comes to seeing dragons, and they will blame you when all the sandwiches are eaten, when there are strange marks on the brownies, and when people get sprayed with sand. Are you the kind of person who can cope when a dragon moves in?
   Dragon fans are going to love this clever picture book, especially when they see what happens in the end. In fact, they will love the dragon in the story so much that they might be tempted to find a sandcastle dragon of their own.
   With amusing illustrations and a great story, this is a wonderful picture book to share with someone who is has a soft spot for dragons.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Poetry Friday - A review of Wild Wings

When Jane Yolen gets together with her photographer son Jason to create a book, the result is always fantastic. Today's poetry title is one of these collaborative books, and I was delighted to spend a quiet half hour reading it. 

Jane Yolen
Photographs by Jason Stemple
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 6 to 9
Boyds Mills Press, 2002, 1-59078-173-2
   Jane Yolen belongs to a family of bird watchers. Encouraged by their father, all three of Jane’s children grew up watching birds and trying to identify them. Her youngest son Jason “was always the keenest birder of the family,” and when he sent his mother some photos of birds that he took in South Caroline and Florida, she asked him to send her some more. The pictures were so beautiful and powerful that she wanted to write poems to accompany them, and this is what she has done in this book.
   In her poems, Jane Yolen explores the lives of fourteen different species of birds. Some of the poems capture a moment, a snippet of time. For example, in the first poem we see a beautiful egret, “A cloud of feathers / above the feathered pond.” There it stands still until a man in a boat arrives, and then the shy bird flies up with a “rush of broad wings.”
   Other poems give us a portrait of the bird being described. In Brother Hawk, the hawk tells us what it is waiting for as it sits on its “solitary perch.”
   Then there are those word paintings that beautifully describe the bird shown in the accompanying photograph. When she saw her son’s photo of Wilson’s Warbler sitting on a twig, Jane Yolen felt that the little bird looked as if “sunshine / fell down on a branch.”
   Using a variety of poetry forms including a gem-like haiku, Jane Yolen takes us into a world of feathers, bright eyes, shiny beaks, and open sky. The overall effect of the book is to give us a sense of the poet’s obvious love of birds.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fiction Wednesday - A review of What Happened on Fox Street

Today's fiction title is one of the best mid-grade books I have read in a long time. It is not only beautifully written, but it is also full of a very special brand of wisdom that would benefit all readers above the age of 8 or 9.

What happened on Fox Street
What Happened on Fox Street Tricia Springstubb
Illustrated by Heather Ross
For ages 9 to 12
HarperCollins, 2010, 978-0-06-198636-9
   As far as Mo Wren is concerned, Fox Street is the best place in the world to live. Everything she cares about is here, and she is of the opinion that “your every need could be satisfied on Fox Street.” In her little neighborhood, there are people who care about her and who watch over her, and there is an area called the Green Kingdom where The Den is located. Mo has lived here on Fox Street from the moment she came into the world, and she plans on continuing to stay here. The only thing that is missing on Fox Street are foxes and girls
   Thankfully, every summer Mo’s best friend Mercedes comes to visit, so at least for a while there is a girl around. Merce’s grandmother Da lives on Fox Street, and Mo and Merce have known each other forever. Usually Mo and Merce reconnect at the beginning of summer as if they have never been apart, but this year Merce is different. She has been living with her mother’s rich new husband, and for the first time Merce does not think Fox Street is wonderful. Instead, to her, it looks “Used up.”
   What should have been a perfect summer only gets worse when Mo’s father’s behavior suggests that he might be considering selling the family home so that he can open up a restaurant. For years he has been dreaming of having his own place where he can serve good food and beer. Mo cannot bear to imagine that her father would do such a thing, but perhaps it could really happen.
   Then Mrs. Steinbott, the neighborhood crabby person, starts behaving very strangely. She has always ignored Da and Merce, but now she keeps asking Mo to give Merce things on her behalf. Merce, like most of the people on the street, wants nothing to do with the old lady, but something about Mrs. Steinbott’s behavior touches Mo. Somehow she gets the sense that something very important is going on. There are secrets lying just below the surface and Mo is afraid of what is going to happen when they are revealed.
  Fox Street is Mo’s safe place. It is the place where all her memories live and where she can feel close to her dead mother. Da, Mrs. Petrone, the Green Kingdom, The Den, and all the other things she loves are here. She cannot stand seeing that things are starting to change, but at the same time she cannot stop change from happening.
   For children experiencing changes in their lives, this book will help them to see that even painful change can turn out to be a good thing in the long run. We have to have faith, and face the future with courage, just as Mo does.
  Beautifully written and with an incredibly powerful story, this is a book everyone should read.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Picture Book Monday - A review of The Great Sheep Shenanigans

In the real world, the bad guys, or "baddies" as I used to call them when I was a kid, win a lot of the time. It is very depressing. Thankfully, in books baddies often get their just desserts, thank goodness.

In today's picture book, you are going to meet an honest to goodness bad wolf who is determined to catch himself a lamb dinner. He thinks he is clever, and comes up with one scheme after another to get what he wants, with hilarious results.

The Great Sheep Shenanigans
The Great Sheep ShenanigansPeter Bently
Illustrated by Mei Matsuoka
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Andersen Press USA, 2012, 978-0-7613-8990-3
   Lou Pine the wolf fancies having some lamb for his supper. He sneaks up on a flock of sheep and crawls through a hole in the hedge, thinking all the while that he is “stunningly cunning.” Actually, he is not cunning at all because someone is waiting for him on the other side of the hedge. Rambo the Ram is big and tough and he makes it clear that Lou Pine’s presence is not welcome and that he had better “Buzz off” if he knows what is good for him.
   Lou realizes that he is going to have to be smart if he hopes to catch the sheep unawares. He decides that the solution to the problem is for him to get a “sheepy disguise” so that he can give “those dumb muttons a nasty surprise.”
   One would think that a smart wolf would be able to quickly rustle up a sheep costume, but Lone Pine experiences some rather unfortunate technical difficulties. Eventually he decides that he is going to need to help and he goes to Red Riding Hood’s gran’s house. Without wasting any time, Lone Pine threatens to eat Granny if she doesn’t knit him a sheep costume. Now, at last, Lone Pine is going to be able to have the lamb he is craving. Or perhaps not.
   In the real world, the bad guys all too often win, and it is very discouraging. Thankfully, in books, authors can control the outcome of their stories, and they can have a little fun at the expense of the bad guys, which is what happens in this title.
   Readers of all ages will laugh out loud when they see what Lou Pine gets up to, and how he is thwarted again and again. With a clever rhyming text and delightful multimedia illustrations, this is a picture book that will delight readers who need to be cheered up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Poetry Friday - A review of Monumental Verses

I have been lucky enough to see a few of the world's man-made wonders including Petra, the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Empire State Building. Every time I see pictures of these places, I am reminded of what it felt like to see them in real life, what it was like to look up at the tall spires or the carved rock. When you read today's poetry title, you be able to travel around the globe seeing some of man's most extraordinary creations, and you can share in J. Patrick Lewis' feelings of wonder.

J. Patrick Lewis
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 6 to 11
National Geographic, 2005, 0-7922-7035-1
Scattered around the world, there are man-made creations that have been gazed upon by thousands upon thousands of people. As we look at these monuments, we wonder how the people who envisaged them actually went about the business of building them. We marvel at the beauty or grandeur of these structures, and often leave taking some representation of the monument with us so that we can show others what we have seen
   For this poetry collection, J. Patrick Lewis has written some splendid poems that serve as a tribute to some of the world’s monuments and to the people who built them. Our journey around the world begins in Stonehenge. Placed on Salisbury Plain by people some five thousand years ago, this extraordinary collection of stones has been the source of countless stories and theories. How on earth did the Beaker people, without the benefit of machinery of any kind, drag the rocks for many miles and float them on rafts so that they could be arranged in their current location? The people knew that it would take them “one hundred full moons,” to move the stones, and to this day we still do not know for sure how they managed to “stand ten-ton stones upright.”
   Thousands of miles away, and built thousands of years later in the 1930’s, the Golden Gate Bridge in California dazzles visitors who travel long distances to see it. Many of the guests wonder at the odd color of the bridge. Why would anyone want to paint a bridge the color of “Red raspberries,” mixed with “California / Nectarine” and “golden / Grape juice?” It is hard to say, but the orange bridge reminds one of “a sunset/ Neighborhood in a sunshine country.”
   Another monument built of metal is the symbol of France. The Eiffel Tower was put together by three hundred workers in the late 1800’s, and it has delighted tourists ever since. Unveiled by the Prince of Wales, and climbed by a mountaineer, this amazing structure is “hailed” as “a star” by the French people.
   In all, poet J. Patrick Lewis looks at thirteen monuments from around the world. He takes us from Easter Island to Egypt, and from China to New York City, and in each place he uses a different poetical form to show us how lucky we are that people of vision gave us these monuments to explore, admire, and wonder at.
   At the back of the book an epilogue explains how the poet chose which monuments to write about. In addition, there is a world map showing the location of the thirteen monuments, and there is further information about each one.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fiction Wednesday - A review of Jasper John Dooley: Star of the World

Many of us are prone to having huge expectations, and the boy in today's fiction title, Jasper John Dooley, is just such a person. He is going to be the Star of the Week in his classroom, and he imagines how popular he will be, and how he will wow his classmates with his presentations. He is convinced that his Star of the Week experience is going to be fantastic from start to finish. Unfortunately, in real life things often don't work out the way we would like them to work out, and this is just what happens to Jasper.

Jasper John Dooley: Star of the Week
Caroline Adderson
Illustrated by Ben Clanton
For ages 7 to 9
Kids Can Press, 2012, 978-1-55453-578-1
Jasper John Dooley is so excited he can hardly stand it. Starting tomorrow, he is going to be the Star of the Week in his classroom. All week long he will wear the coveted star pinned to his chest, and on each day he will make a presentation or share something with his classmates.
   On Monday, Jasper arrives at school on time (for a change) carrying his Show and Tell item. He is all primed to tell the class about his lint collection, when his best friend Ori announces that he has a new baby sister. Suddenly (and most unfairly) Ori is the center of attention instead of Jasper. It takes a while for Jasper to get things back on track. Unfortunately, Jasper’s Show and Tell presentation does not go well. When he shows his classmates his lint collection, Jasper is very surprised to discover that they do not think his collection is at all interesting. In fact, they think his is strange for having it.
   The next day, Jasper has to present his family tree to the class. Ori’s family tree is full of people, and of course now the new baby has been added to it. How on earth is Jasper going to compete with a bountiful family tree like that?
   Jasper decides to make a real tree. Actually, it is more of a stick, but it is different at least. Jasper decorates the Family Stick with leaves representing himself, his mother, and his father. Then he adds one more leaf, a purple one, to make the Family Stick look more interesting.
   In class on Tuesday, Jasper’s Family Stick is well received. Then one of the kids asks about the purple leaf, and before Jasper can stop himself, he tells everyone that the leaf represents his brother Earl. The problem is that Jasper doesn’t have a brother, and he has no idea how he is going to undo the damage he has done.
   Many children have little ways that are uniquely theirs. They collect strange things, or play odd games, or have an interesting approach to life. The main character in this delightful book is decidedly quirky, and we love him for it. Whenever he gets himself into a tight spot, he finds a way to fix things, often in ways that are rather peculiar. As a result, he is funny and unpredictable. The good news is that Jasper John Dooley hasn’t finished with us yet. He will be back with more adventures, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Graphic Novel Review: Lou! Secret Diary

I know that Mondays are supposed to be for picture books, but I like to throw a graphic novel into the mix every so often. Since graphic novels are a picture centric form of storytelling, I think Mondays are a good day for them.

Today's title is the first in a series of books that Lerner Publishing (USA) is putting out. The first volume in the Lou collection came out in France in 2004, and since then the books have been translated into fourteen languages. The main character is a tween who struggles with many of the kinds of problems that most tween girls face. She is sympathetic, and she is also wonderfully funny. 

Julien Neel
Translated by Carol Klio Burrell
Graphic Novel
For ages 9 to 12
Lerner, 2012, 978-0-7613-8868-5
Lou is not your typical twelve-year-old. She and her mother Emma have a very close bond, and they often behave as if they are good friends instead of a mother and daughter. Unlike many children who are being raised by their single mother, Lou has no real interest in finding out who her father is. He has never been a part of her life, and she sees no reason to change this state of affairs.
   Lou does not want to be like everyone else, which is unusual for a school girl of her age. She designs her own clothes, and she doesn’t care if the other girls snigger at her behind her back. Let them. Lou is perfectly happy having one close friend, Mina, and she doesn’t feel the need to fit in and be popular.
   One thing Lou does long for is for her neighbor Tristan to notice her. Lou has had a crush on Tristan for years, but she has never been able to muster up the courage to tell him how she feels. Both Mina and Emma have encouraged Lou to speak her mind, but Lou does not feel able to do so.
   Lou isn’t the only one who cannot speak her mind when it comes to boys. Emma is the same way. A very cute man called Richard moves in next door, and Emma really likes him, but she can’t seem to get the words out. On Valentine’s Day, Lou, Tristan, Richard, and Emma arrange to go out for dinner, but then Tristan and Emma start playing a video game and the evening turns into a disaster. To say that Lou is angry with her mother is an understatement.
   Graphic novel fans are going to enjoy the funny, incredibly honest, and poignant stories in this book. For years the Lou comics have delighted readers in Europe, and now they are have been compiled into a series of books for American readers. Many of the situations that Lou finds herself in will resonate with young readers who are experiencing growing pains of their own.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Poetry Friday - A review of Every Day's a dog's day

Almost every day there is at least one moment when I wish I could understand what one of my dogs is thinking. They give me a look that speaks volumes, clearly trying to convey something that is important. Alas for me. Not speaking dog, I cannot understand what my dog is trying to say. 

In today's poetry title, you will get to experience life through the eyes of four dog friends. The poems are often funny and sweet, and they also remind the reader that it is important to at least try to see things from more than one point of view. You may think that rolling on a dead vole is disgusting, but a dog thinks it is a very smart and delicious thing to do.

Marilyn Singer
Illustrated by Miki Sakamoto
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 6 to 8
Penguin, 2012, 978-0-8037-3715-0
Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes can be very interesting. We discover that something we think is fantastic, someone else thinks is dreadful, and vice versa. Imagine what it would be like if you could see the world not through another human’s eyes, but through the eyes of a dog. What would the world look like?
   In this clever collection of poems, Marilyn Singer takes us through a typical year with Fizz and his doggy friends Rosalie, Barkley and Buddy. We begin the year with the first freeze. Fizz is out walking with his girl and he peers through Rosalie’s window trying to get his friend to come outside. He reminds her that “We really LOVE this weather” and that the “nippy breeze feels nice.”  Then the first snow arrives, and we find out that as far as Fizz is concerned, snow is “Better than biscuits, / Better than cake, Better than burgers.”
   For Fizz and his friends, spring is not about flowers and birds. Spring is about chewing sticks, getting ticks, and, most of all, it is about getting as muddy as possible. Of course, spring is also a time when Fizz and his chums have to bear a visit to the groomers. Fizz cannot for the life of him comprehend why his mistress wants him to get clean. Why “can’t I smell like a dog / and not a fruit?” he asks.
   Grooming days are not the only days Fizz tells us about. There are also cat-chasing days, vet-visiting days, and hole-diggings days. These dog-centric experiences are mixed in with human celebrations as seen through doggy eyes. For Fizz, the Fourth of July is the day when he is told not to bark, which is very unfair. As for Christmas, well the dog toys are nice, but the day is special because Fizz gets to spend “one whole long day” with his beloved person.
   With humor and an obvious love of dogs, Marilyn Singer uses various poetic forms to take us on a wonderful journey through a dog’s year. Young readers will enjoy seeing the world from a dog’s point of view, and will be glad that they were able to spend some time with Fizz and his friends.
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