I have reviewed thousands of picture books over the years and have have got to the point that I recognize a number of illustrative styles. Some styles are so unique that it only takes one look before I remember the illustrator's name. Not long ago I saw a portion of the cover of today's book and knew that I had to review the book because I recognized Jane Hissey's extraordinary artwork. I admire this creative lady's work because the stories are so warm and the characters are so lovable.
Jolly Snow
Jane Hissey
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Scribblers, 2013, 978-1-908973-02-3
It is a cold and wet day outside, and Jolly Tall, the toy
giraffe, wishes that it would snow. He’s never seen real snow before. Little
Bear shows his friends the snow that drifts down inside a snow globe. Jolly
thinks the snow is very pretty, but alas there is not enough of it inside the
globe to slide and jump in, nor is there enough to turn into snowballs.
Zebra says that she
knows where there is some snow and she leads her friends to the kitchen where
Bramwell Brown the teddy bear is making cookies. The flour he is using looks a
lot like snow and one can turn the cookie dough into balls which the animals
throw at each other.
The problem with
dough balls, unlike snowballs, is that they make a sticky mess and Zebra needs
to have a bath. Her friends help her to get clean, and as they scrub her they realize
that soap bubbles are perfect for playing with. Unfortunately soap bubbles,
unlike snowballs, last for a very short while.
Zebra, Jolly,
Duck, and Little Bear decide to go and ask their friend Old Bear if he knows
how they can make snow. Old Bear often has the answers to their problems.
In this delightful
Old Bear story, gorgeous illustrations are paired with a story that shows
little children how a little creativity can go a long way sometimes. Jolly has
a wish that is not easy to grant, but he and his loving friends have a great
time trying to give him what he wants.
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