Children love to have secrets and in the book Mary and the Mouse, the Mouse and Mary we meet a little girl and a little mouse who have a secret. They become friends and knowing full well that their families would not approve of their friendship, they keep their times together a secret. In today's book you will meet Mouse Mouse and Mary again, and this time you will see that they are not the only ones in their house who have secrets.
Where’s Mommy?
Beverly Donofrio
Illustrated by Barbara McClintock
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Random House, 2014, 9780-375-84423-2
Mary is a little girl who lives in a lovely house, and Mouse
Mouse is little mouse girl who lives beneath the floorboards of this house.
Mary knows all about Mouse Mouse because she and the little mouse are friends.
The girls know better than to tell their families about their friendship. The
human parents would get a cat, and the mouse parents would “flee to a hole in
the ground.” The two girls therefore keep their relationship a secret.
One night Mary
gets ready for bed by putting on her jammies, brushing her teeth and hair, and
getting into bed. In her home under the boards Mouse Mouse is doing the same
thing. Both girls call out for their mothers. Nothing happens. The mothers
don’t make an appearance, so the two girls go looking for them, calling out
“Mom” and “Mommy” as they go.
Mary searches
the house and asks her father and brother if they know where Mom is. Mouse
Mouse searches her home and asks her father and little sister if they know
where Mommy is. The girls are starting to get worried.
In this delightful
story, which began in the book Mary and the Mouse, the Mouse and Mary, we get to go on a simple and yet very
surprising adventure with Mary and her friend, Mouse Mouse. Barbara McClintock’s
lovely illustrations capture the worlds that the friends live in in great
detail, and children will particularly enjoy seeing the illustrations where the
human house and the hidden mouse house are shown on the same spread.
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