For many children a new school year is just around the corner. Backpacks have been packed up, new school clothes are ready and waiting, and children are trying to adjust to the idea that soon they will not be able to sleep in every morning.
For today's picture book title I have a charming little picture book about two little chicks who go to school for the first time.
For today's picture book title I have a charming little picture book about two little chicks who go to school for the first time.
Valeri Gorbachev
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
NorthSouth, 2011, 978-0-7358-4027-0
Two little chicks are going to school for the first time, and not surprisingly they are feeling rather scared. They tell their new teacher, Mrs. Heron, that they “don’t know anyone,” and she reassures them that they “will make friends quickly.”
Unfortunately, every time the two little chicks try to make friends with someone, the person they are trying to befriend tells them to “Shhhhhhh.” Beaver, Rabbit, and Frog are all too busy doing something else to pay attention to the two little newcomers. At snack time, the two little chicks sit all by themselves. Their first day of school is turning out to be rather a disappointment.
Children who are going to the school for the first time will be very reassured by this story. They will see that sometimes it takes a little time to makes friends, and that school is not something to be afraid of.