Edited by Frances Schoonmaker
Illustrated by Mike Bryce
Poetry Picture Book
For ages 9 and up
Sterling, 1999, 0-8069-5928-2
Edna St. Vincent
Millay had what many people would consider to be a very difficult childhood,
and yet she did not see it that way. Her father was a gambler who squandered
the family money until his wife asked him to leave, and her mother had to work
long hours to provide for her children. At times Vincent (that is what her
friends and family called her) and her siblings were left alone for long
periods of time to manage on their own, which they did very well. The children
worked together to take care of the household, and Vincent often found ways to
make doing the chores enjoyable. Though money was scarce, fun and frolics were abundant.
Vincent began
writing poetry when she was only five-years-old. Of course her first poems were
very simple, but they were very precious to both Vincent and her mother Cora,
who was always Vincent’s staunch supporter. During lean times, and there were
many of those, Vincent often chose to buy books instead of paying for heat or
food. She would work long into the night, writing plays and poetry because for
her, writing was an essential part of who she was.
In this wonderful
collection of poems the editor begins by telling us about Edna St. Vincent
Millay’s life, and then she goes on to share some of Millay’s poems with us.
Knowing Millay’s story helps us to better appreciate her poetry, to see how she
delighted in the simple everyday and ordinary things in life. Often she wrote
about what she saw and experienced.
Though some people
feel Millay’s poetry is “too simple” to be considered “great poetry,” other
people see that there is truth and beauty in her words. The first poem in this
book, Afternoon on a hill, perfectly
demonstrates how you can use few words to capture a special moment in time. In
the poem, we meet a person who is content to sit on a hill surrounded by “a
hundred flowers” and yet “not pick one.” The person is happy to absorb the
peace of the place, to savor the moment without needing to do anything, or take
Other poems explore
travel, where a horseshoe went when it was being worn on a horse’s foot, what
it is like to live far from the sea, and more. Throughout the book, the images
Millay creates in her writings are beautifully complimented by Mike Bryce’s
soft atmospheric watercolor paintings.
This is one in a
series of books about poets published by Sterling.