Today's book of hope is all about celebrating the present, those times that enrich our lives in so many ways.

Liz Garton Scanlon
Illustrator: Marla Frazee
Picture Book
All ages
Simon and Schuster, 2009, 1416985808
Many of us spend our lives running from place to place, and from activity to activity. We rarely take the time to appreciate the now; to enjoy what we are doing right this minute. In this beautifully written and illustrated picture book, Liz Garton Scanlon and Marla Frazee have created a memorable text and lovely illustrations to tell the story of one day in the life of a family. As the day unfolds, we are reminded of the wonderful things that fill our lives, and the simple pleasures that make life so special.
The book begins with two children playing on a beach. The build a sandcastle, dig a moat, and take “a shell to keep.” Then the family heads to a farmer’s market where they buy produce and flowers. There are moments that are trying, for example when a storm arrives and rain pours down, and there are moments when everything is right with the world.
This book celebrates the connections between people, the wonders that fill our world, the high points that we share, and the low points that we also share. It is a title that readers of all ages will enjoy.
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