Feelings can be so confusing sometimes. We can feel two contradictory emotions at the same time, or we experience an emotion that we can't identify and don't understand. Today's poetry book explores the feelings people have in a creative and clever way. Touches of humor in some of the poems reminds us that there is always room for a smile or a laugh.
What are you glad about? What are you mad about?

Judith Viorst
Illustrated by Lee White
Poetry Book
For ages 7 to 9
Simon and Schuster, 2016, 978-1-4814-2355-7
Sometimes we know exactly how we are feeling. We are
happy because our day is going well, or we are grumpy because nothing seems to
be going right. Then there are those times when we cannot quite figure out what
is going on inside. We think we are happy, but then feelings of sadness trickle
in from somewhere. Or, we think we should be upset, but somehow the upset
feelings don’t behave the way they are supposed to.
No matter how
you are feeling, you will find that this book contains poems that speak to you,
that resonate with you because they seem to understand what is happening in
your life at this particular moment. For example, if you are feeling cut off
from the world and alone, the poem All
Alone Inside My Very Own Skin will comfort you because you will see that
you are not the only who is feeling all alone inside; you are not the only one
who wishes “I could invite somebody in.”
More often than
not, what we feel on the inside is influenced by what is happening on the
outside. Events at school, family ups and downs, and happenings with friends
and enemies all play a part in our stories, and there are poems in this
collection that bring such stories to life.
My Papa is a poem that captures the love
that one little child has for his grandfather, a man who makes wonderful
grilled cheese sandwiches. This grandfather rides bikes, reminds his grandson
of “My thank-yous and my pleases,” and when the little boy becomes the
president he will “banish prunes and peases” and his grandfather will be named
the “head of the / Department of Grilled Cheeses.”
From an
easy-going grandfather we go to Bossy Mom,
a parent who controls her child’s every move and action in life. You don’t have
to be a genius to see that the child is more than a little fed up with being
told what to do, and how to do it, every minute of the day. “She is ruining my
life!” and “she’s going to drive me completely insane,” the child says, in
desperate tones.
There are even
poems in this collection about the seasons, which is only right and proper. After
all, for children, the seasons are often full of things that summon up
emotions. There are wonderful things like falling leaves in autumn that make
such a “commotion” in their leave-taking so that we “won’t forget them when
they go.” Then there are not so great things like those cold days in winter
when we are so cold and shivery, so frozen to the bone, that we wish we could
hibernate and tell people “don’t bother to call me till spring.”
This is a
delicious collection of poems that children will come back to again and again,
because on the pages they will find verses that will make them smile, and nod,
and shake their heads in commiseration. They will find situations and feelings
that will be familiar, and that will make sense. They will feel that here is a
poet who completely ‘gets’ where they are coming from.
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