When I was a child, we had a large fluffy and very gentle dog called Balloo. On occasion, I put some of my clothes on her, and Balloo tolerated this treatment with good humor and patience. Once I put a hat on her, and when I looked into her face I recognized the expression I saw there. Balloo was embarrassed! As quickly as possible I took the hat off her head and apologized. I never dressed her up again.
In today's picture book you will meet Zorro, a pug whose owner dresses him up and who thus makes her pet feel very embarrassed indeed.
Carter Goodrich
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Simon and Schuster, 2012, 978-1-4424-3535-3
Zorro the pug and his friend Mister Bud are ready for the
day to begin. They get their person up, they have their biscuits, and then they
make it clear that it is time for their morning walk. Zorro and Mister Bud
cannot understand what is delaying their person, and then she puts an “outfit”
on Zorro. The pug is extremely embarrassed by his superhero outfit, and he
doesn’t want to go for his usual morning walk. What if someone sees him?
Sure enough,
when Eddie and the boys see Zorro, they make fun of the outfit. Even Slim the
cat has something to say about the outfit, and it isn’t complimentary either.
Mister Bud does his best to cheer up his friend, but Zorro is too depressed. How
will he ever live down the humiliation?
Being the odd
one out is never easy. People stare at you, they make comments, and all in all
you feel as if the whole world is saying things about you. In this clever and
deliciously amusing picture book, we see how one little dog tries to come to
terms with an embarrassing problem, and how the problem seems to solve itself.
This is the
second book starring Zorro and Mister Bud.