On July 28th, 1914 the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated. Because of this event Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and World War I began. To some of us World I War seems so distant and remote. Very few veterans from that conflict are still alive and the story of the war is not one that most people are familiar with. The war did have a huge impact on the world however. Not only was it the first of the 'modern' wars but it also was the reason why World War II began.
Through the Looking Glass has a collection of reviews about WWI books that you might like a to take a look at on the World War I feature page. The books
reviewed suit a number of age ranges - from picture books to novels. One in particular, Hattie Big Sky, stands out. This Newbery Honor award winning title explores the ways in which one young woman is touched by the clouds of war. Though she lives in Montana in distant America, far from the battle grounds in France and Belgium, Hattie still learns how terrible war is and how conflict can, at times, bring out the worst, and the best, in people.

In Where Poppies Grow: A World War I Companion, by Linda Granfield, the author tells the story of World War I with great skill, capturing the initial innocence of the soldiers and the rude awakening that they got when they finally found themselves in battle.
Do take a look at this feature, and if you know of more World War I books for children that you have read and liked, tell me about them.