Many of us have a favorite piece of clothing that we wear and wear and wear until the fabric is thin and often full of holes. Often these items of clothing have a good story to go with them, or they remind us of a happy or special moment in our lives.
In today's picture book, you will meet a little girl who has a favorite dress and who finds a way to keep enjoying the dress long after is has grown too small for her.
Boni Ashburn
Illustrated by Julia Denos
For ages 6 to 8
Abrams, 2011, 978-1-4197-0016-3
A girl has a dress that is her “favoritest dress ever.” She wears it every Tuesday (her favorite day of the week), until one Tuesday when she finds out that she has grown too big for the dress. The girl is so upset that she makes a huge fuss. Thankfully, her mother, who is a very wise woman, calms her down and tells not to make “mountains out of molehills.” The little girl’s mama does a little snipping and a little sewing, and she turns the dress into a shirt.
The girl is delighted with her shirt, but there comes a time when it too is too small and Mama turns the shirt into a tank top, which is perfect for those hot summer days.
In the fall, the girl goes back to school and since tank tops are not allowed at school, her mama turns the top into a skirt. Is this the last incarnation of the much loved dress, or will it keep on going forever?
In this delightful picture book, we see how a treasured article of clothing is turned into a shirt, a tank top, a skirt and more. Recycling of this kind is not only environmentally friendly, but it is also creative and a lot of fun, and it allows children to enjoy a much loved treasure for years and years. Throughout the book, a light bouncy text is paired with Julia Denos’ delightful multimedia illustrations, which beautifully capture the adventures the little girl has with her “favoritest” dress.