For some people making friends is easy. For others it is difficult because they don't know how to go about it, or because they are shy, or because they are unsure of themselves. I know a few people who approach making friends as if it is a quest that must be completed. In today's picture book you will meet someone who is like this. She is determined to make a friend, and she will force the issue if she has to.
You will be my friend

You will be my friend
Picture Book
For ages 5 to 7
Little Brown, 2001, 978-0-316-07030-0
One morning Lucy the bear wakes up and she decides that today she is going to make a new friend. She does not know how she is going to achieve this goal, but she is bursting with confidence that one of the “critters” in the forest will want to be her friend.
With great enthusiasm Lucy throws herself into the task. Her first attempt to befriend a frog goes horribly wrong when she jumps into the frog pond and all the water splashes out. Next she tries to make friends with a giraffe by climbing a tree. Too late she realizes that she has climbed into the giraffe’s breakfast. She goes on to wash a skunk and to ask an ostrich “So tell me, what’s it like to fly?” Needless to say, neither of these attempts to make a friend work out.
Lucy tries really hard to “fit in” with her potential friends, and in each case something goes wrong. Then she gets mad. “You will be my friend!” she says, and not surprisingly this tactic falls flat too.
Making new friends is never easy, no matter how old you are. In this picture book, young readers will meet someone who really tries to make a new friend, and they will appreciate Lucy’s struggles and failures. With Lucy’s help, young readers will come to understand that finding friends is not something that you can control. Sometimes you just have to have a little faith and hope.
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